So much for president Petraeus

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if he was muslim, nobody would have cared.

a little fucking never hurt anyone.

In the Prude States of America, where titties on TV will cause children to burst into flame you're a darn tootin' a little fucking could kill the NATION!!!! Would do better hittin' the crack pipe, maybe he'd give Berry a run for his money
Patrick Stewart said:
I think we can all benefit from a little strange every now and then.
He was an Army General, and the Director of one of the most secretive organizations on the face of the planet; we're regular shlubs reading this in the news.

I'm sure the actual reason is much more exciting.
He was an Army General, and the Director of one of the most secretive organizations on the face of the planet; we're regular shlubs reading this in the news.

I'm sure the actual reason is much more exciting.

Benghazi is my suspicion. Let's see if the CIA has all the blame heaped onto it.
If he couldn't even keep an affair secret, how can we trust him with our nation's biggest secrets? :ninja:
Two possible reason. 1) tinfoiling on this, but to keep him from testifying. 2) cause he actually feels bad for what he did, and/or if he didnt admit it he could be blackmailed by a foreign government.
The other curious part of this whole thing is how did the FBI justify accessing and reading all of Broadwell's that where allegedly harassing and threatening but not enough to file charges. The whole thing is a mess and I doubt it will ever get truly figured out. And here is a quote from Sec. of State Clinton in regards to Petraeus.

Clinton interjected at one point: "You have been made the de facto spokesman for what many of us believe to be a failed policy. Despite what I view as your rather extraordinary efforts in your testimony...I think that the reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief."
The only way for 2 people to keep a secret is if one of them is dead.:squint:
possibilities of blackmail
and an example of poor judgement = president can no longer trust is judgement

i would think if it was related to Benghazi they would have made the headline about it to scape goat the problems under the carpet
he is being called to testify on the Benghazi incident (debacle)
any lawyer knows, the first thing you want to do if someone is going to be giving potentially harmful testimony against you is to discredit them in any way you can
the testimony is not as credible if the person giving it is an alcoholic, crack head, criminal, pedophile, whore, tax cheat, baby eater, etc...
Petraeus is a highly decorated 4 star general his testimony has the potential to be quite damning if it is not favorable to the administration
so they got what they could, he is an adulterer, he cheated on his wife of 38 years and shamefully resigned from his position as the head of the CIA... now his testimony is not as valuable... he is damaged goods
but wtf does the administration care at this point.
the election is over
obama could host gay orgies with unicorns and leprechauns on the white house front lawn at this point and there's not a GD thing anyone can do to stop him

which is a really scary prospect considering what other areas of american life he is now free to attempt to change (ie: gun rights)
he is being called to testify on the Benghazi incident (debacle)
any lawyer knows, the first thing you want to do if someone is going to be giving potentially harmful testimony against you is to discredit them in any way you can
the testimony is not as credible if the person giving it is an alcoholic, crack head, criminal, pedophile, whore, tax cheat, baby eater, etc...
Petraeus is a highly decorated 4 star general his testimony has the potential to be quite damning if it is not favorable to the administration
so they got what they could, he is an adulterer, he cheated on his wife of 38 years and shamefully resigned from his position as the head of the CIA... now his testimony is not as valuable... he is damaged goods

I'd think that since he got in front of it, it would be better for his credibility. Cheating on a spouses isn't exactly new territory for .gov employees :)

1) Petraeus told some of his guys to go in and rescue folks in lybia
2) The president overruled him and Petraeus was gonna air him out to the american people for being anti-american in the only way an american hero would rat out his commander and chief...under oath.
3) President found out, his successor had dirt on him, and no more Petraeus. Since he is a hero, they gave him the choice of announcing it himself or waiting until TMZ got it.


Maybe it's just a version of number 3...otherwise, you just say you're resigning for family reasons...dude's had a little stress over ooooooo the last 10 years.
Let me think about this.

Guy is director of the most sophisticated Intelligence organization in the world. Gets caught cheating. Background stuff is pretty lame and far fetched, but no matter what. He GOT CAUGHT CHEATING AS THE DIRECTOR OF THE CIA.

Yeah, you get fired for that.....
Or.... it's all bullshit. Fabricated by the company because they don't want him as a candidate anymore.