so yet once again

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ok, that makes more sense.


move the fuck on.

fuck that crazy bitch.

you're 18. you're not in love.

find someone better. perhaps, an English Composition teacher who likes to fuck.


Move on
looks like im just gonna sit on my ass for a little longer till she is done paying for my car to be finished then leave she's done nothing but use me this whole time so what wrong with me useing her for a little right
no my name is on the lease and i help pay the bill just as much as she does and her mom bought the car for me well she gave me 3 grand i bought a 1800 dollar car and some other stuff working on paying her mother back
there is no way that she would be able to pay the bill and rent and her car payment by herself and i manage to pay more than half on all of them working at a resturunt as a busser and rent is 1100 a month and her car is 400 somthing
you better leave now before it bites you in the ass. if she takes you to court all she has to do is show a little ass,tits and start crying.........your toast
lol yeah but you know what the shitty thing is all the shit is in my name resept off of my credit card and every thing and her mom has no prob with me her mom whats to send her to a physic so she is on my side and i have been paying her mom back every month all i have to pay her is 100 bucks a month
wow. ever heard of punctuation?

Seriously. Why waste our time with this garbage on the forum? You know what you got to do.

This forum is becoming more and more about significant others than just off topic. I vote we make a drama thread for everyone's personal life drama. I know I've had it, but ehh this, medicore, jerry spring bull shit is getting old.

[sorry if I offended, just pissed off]
lol yeah but you know what the shitty thing is all the shit is in my name resept off of my credit card and every thing and her mom has no prob with me her mom whats to send her to a physic so she is on my side and i have been paying her mom back every month all i have to pay her is 100 bucks a month

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH She's billing you !

For nothing ! She's not going to a shrink, you dolt.
take it easy 'slammed'. The guy has a problem. Its off topic so it belongs here. Do you say the same thing when fellow members talk about their loved one who have died? Or how about when we lost some members? No didnt think so.This is the same thing.... its personal stuff.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH She's billing you !

For nothing ! She's not going to a shrink, you dolt.
Shes not going to a " Shrink" thats for sure. She going to something ''unshrunk'' and hard.:D

sorry i just had to throw that in.
You're 18.

Run while you're still fast.

Don't wait until you're too slow and you finally are smart enough to realize its a shitty situation. Do the Ginger Bread Man and run as fast as you can.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH She's billing you !

For nothing ! She's not going to a shrink, you dolt.
i think he's repaying her mom for the money she lent him for the car
not a shrink
If she packed your stuff up for you and then told you to get out and don't come back, plus she's still seeing this other guy too, then you had every right to do whatever the hell you wanted to do. She told you to leave, you didn't cheat on her. She took you back because she's dependent on you to help with the bills, and because she knew you're a sucker for her and she can manipulate you. The fact that this shit is happening a second time should confirm to you that it's just going to keep happening over and over.

Move back in with your mom, pay off the car loan as fast as quick as you can, and then sever all contact with this chick. At this point it's very unlikely that you two will ever have a good relationship again. Cut your losses and move on with your life.
:concur: ps don't have ex-sex, you might end up sucked into being a babydaddy; if she's this manipulative i wouldn't put it past her. i know, hard words for someone you have obviously cared for. but no worries, there's lots of hot wiminz that aren't smart enough to manipulate you, and even some that are hot and smart enough, but would choose not to.
she'll never ever get over the whole banging another chick and saying you cheated on her
doesn't matter if you were broken up, divorced, on a break, or she was fucking someone else

she will always think of it as you cheating on her

get out while you can
It’s all about this quaint, curious country called “Saudi Arabia” where the men take up to 60 wives. Since they can’t please them all every day, the implication is that they’re lousy lovers. Which is like saying that someone with 38 automobiles is a lousy driver.

-James Lileks
if the lease is in your name, break it. give them your 30 day notice. get your shit out and tell her that she has 30 days to get out. with the money you save from not paying rent, you can pay her mom off faster. then be done with it all. sever all contact. you may like her mom but you wont be able to continue a friendship with her bc it will just pull you back in with her daughter.

Its not your son.
she wasnt raped.
she got fucked and dude took off, you were the only sap she knew would take care of her.
you were used.
like a dirty whore.
get out
get over it
move on.
grow up
and learn from it.