The Black 89

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Super minty SHO. Want me to go and leave a deposit for you?

meh its a very nice car, but same note, id never pay that much for one, I could by 7 sho's for that , even though that car is immaculate , id prob pay not a penny more than 3k for it, I know of a white rare plus 91 that I could buy just as clean as that for 2700 from a friend
plastidip my car yellow ? this car isnt really yellow its photoshopped, but I think it looks badass
so you have a romance with your sho... good for you... there is a following for all types of shitboxes out there... honda just seems to be more popular than most because it sucks the most??? (most non honda people's way of seeing it) but when you go onto a honda forum... and try to force feed us your turd car, because of how great it is, and how fast it isnt, and, and, and... its not going to go over well dude... especially with the approach you have. talk shit first... get offended, then ask why why why??? like the sho's? great!! go on a sho forum! talk shit about each other's cars! talk about your sho's greatness and speed (i guess) but again, this is a honda forum bud, and yes, we do post the occasional non honda product on here... but we say useful and supportive criticism!!! you say you have been a member on here for years and demand respect?! earn it kid!!! if you have been on here for years... and are still treated the same way after all this time... dont you think you're doing something wrong????

diversity is needed
Do you like the new SHO?

lolol its cool I guess, other than being a completely new chassis with nothing in common with 89-06 (all interchangeable parts) its sweet, twin turbo awd v6 , and if thats giving anyone shit than stfu lol I dont go on anyones threads and hound them, if any shit is given, its because it was slung in my direction on my own thread too begin with