Upcoming Code White!

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I know it's not the first snowfall of the year for many of you, and I know some of you guys and gals don't get any snow at all, but we are expecting 2-4 inches of the wholesome white stuff. Can't wait.

Anyone else giddy about the snow like I am?

Don't worry, B, you can take all the other Code Whites that come in. I just had to do this.

According to the weatherman, there are a few more Code Whites coming up in the next week. Hopefully it's a white Christmas after all.
a few inches of white shit here in Indiana is what we are expecting. it took me 2hrs to get home from work tonite because of it. normally it takes me 45 minutes. yeah i hate snow with a damn passion. damn you white shit from above!!
It started snowing around 3:15ish here, and didn't let up until around 9. We have 2-4 inches or snow on the ground right now. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow.
I've never heard traffic delays on the radio as big as they were last night (we got hit with 6 inches in a few hours, right at rush hour. Not a biggy for Chicago but it's the first real one this year)

Trips that normally take 50 minutes or so were being called at 4 hours.
last nights' snow makes it our 4th code white up here.
I've never heard traffic delays on the radio as big as they were last night (we got hit with 6 inches in a few hours, right at rush hour. Not a biggy for Chicago but it's the first real one this year)

Trips that normally take 50 minutes or so were being called at 4 hours.

my co-workers son lives in chicago and a half hour trip took him 3 hours last night
We have already had one snow day due to a winter storm and they are predicting another 10-13+ with "thundersnow" on thursday night. Add that to the every other day couple of inch snow falls and we are on pace to break last years 102 record snow fall for the winter.
lame ass storm today :( all sleet/ice for the most part :(

friday, supposed to get 6 inches starting mid day (aka, hell commute home) and sunday, i'm hearing anything from 3 inches to 2 feet... so who the hell knows what's going to happen.. lol
So much for a code white a little pre-mature I'd say all I got was rain and ice that melted by morning.
It's definitely code white in washington. 20degrees and dumping here in bellingham. :)
too bad DC gets almost no snow. but when it does fed usually shuts down. and instead of plows and ice they have bulldozers and dirt, lol.
We are having tons of snow right now. Well, maybe not tons to you east coasters but in my area it only snows once a year, every other year or so. It's actually been snowing all day and will continue tomorrow. Then stop until the next storm hits next monday. After that though, no more snow for a while :( My kids are loving it though :)