Which one are you?

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Woop! I'm the sad solo diner!

I don't care though, I can enjoy my meal in peace instead of having to talk after every bite.
I like the solo diners, that's the one I didn't agree with.

Most of our solo diners know all our staff in a not creepy way, they tip awesome and tend to be very successful people.

You gotta eat...
My work comp won't let me access the site correctly. I'll have to check it out when I get home. This will actually be the first year in over a decade that I don't get the majority of my income from a restaurant. As much as I thought I hated waiting tables, I miss it. I didn't know what a real job was back then.
Yeah, the CEO.

I'm the Director of I.T. now. I partnered my business into his so I could stay in PA and make money.

So partner / boss / retired. Yeah. That's about the size of it.

I used to say "Boss" because I had (until 2 weeks ago) a very large client that accounted for most of my income. That guy told me what to do, and I did it. In return, I billed him. No paycheck, just a paid bill.

So at the end of the day I would call his check "My paycheck" but it was just a paid bill.

And god DAMN does it sound gay to say "my partner ith TOTALLY into putting crappy thauce on FANTASTIC meats(th)"

So I said Boss. Whatever.
Finally got to look at it. Yea, I've seen them all. I'm still not sure which I disliked the most. Maybe the temperature sensitive broad or the well done steak with ketchup. But I think the waitstaff abuser or the person who sends back perfectly good food because they didn't read the description got "abused" by the staff the most. Interpret that as you wish.
I very rarely send anything back, but the other week at Ruby Tuesdays when I found a hair in my potato that was way too long to be mine, I had to send it back. They gave me a free dessert though, so that's a plus.
I very rarely send anything back, but the other week at Ruby Tuesdays when I found a hair in my potato that was way too long to be mine, I had to send it back. They gave me a free dessert though, so that's a plus.
That's an understandable reason. My gripe comes when some douche goes, "Oh, I didn't realize there was shrimp in the seafood combo. Can I get a new one with no shrimp?". And then they get pissed when a new one takes the same 15-20 minutes to prepare.

If you have an aversion or an allergy, read the fucking menu or ask a fucking question. It's really not difficult.
My gf has a gluten allergy. Nothing life threatening, just makes her skin break out. Most of the time she doesn't ask because she doesn't want to sound like some douchey vegan PETA fanatic. She just finds something without wheat/gluten and orders that. Sometimes I'll ask for her.
My gf has a gluten allergy. Nothing life threatening, just makes her skin break out. Most of the time she doesn't ask because she doesn't want to sound like some douchey vegan PETA fanatic. She just finds something without wheat/gluten and orders that. Sometimes I'll ask for her.
Before you get sat, ask the hostess if there is a gluten-free menu available. A lot of places have them now. I never saw that as an annoyance. Then again, I have the knowledge of what gluten does to the body. It's full of inflamation and deliciousness. It hurts so good. One of these days I plan to cut out most/a lot of my grain/gluten consumption. One of these days.
There's plenty of BETTER foods than shitty gmo wheat anyway. I hardly ever eat bread or anything these days. It actually spikes my acid reflux which is why I avoid it most times.
<--Orders a lemon risotto and discovers there's too much lemon. Doesn't send it back, but still orders a second entree, because he's the dumbass that ordered a citrus risotto when he doesn't like citrus.

*Disclaimer: I did it for the scallops*
There's plenty of BETTER foods than shitty gmo wheat anyway. I hardly ever eat bread or anything these days. It actually spikes my acid reflux which is why I avoid it most times.

:lol: that's exactly why she avoids even mentioning it.

She avoids it because she's legitimately allergic, not some kind of social/political reasons. If it were up to her, she'd eat as much as she wanted. She just found out she was allergic to it like 3 months ago (along with a plethora of other allergens, food and environmental alike).
My point is that I bet if she got some REAL red winter wheat from a local farmer, got it milled, and made bread with it, her body would be ok with it.
My fiance is gluten free also. Not deathly allergic, but enough that she feels terrible afterwards. I have cut down on gluten also, more for her. It doesn't make sense to make two separate dinners, etc. There seems to be hidden gluten in a lot of stuff you think would not have gluten in it.

When I traveled I did the sad solo diner. Most waitstaff was fine with it. One time I had one waitress that hardly gave me the time of day and took forever to get my stuff. I had to take silverware and ketchup off other tables. I would have left if it wasn't ass late and they weren't the only place open.
Sounds like you just have a shitty representation of fantasy football.

It's definitely something you don't need to monitor much. I'm real busy but I MAKE time to watch football. I love my dawgs and my 'hawks. Fantasy is icing on the cake. It's a great way to compete with your friends.

No, it sounds like he has a great representation of the average American - not just fantasy football subscriber.

They're 'too busy' with 'life'. Somehow single parents, people with multiple jobs, or those that face other hardship or circumstances must all get more hours in their days to get things done.

/end rant.