Who here has experienced Absinthe?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Vila
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Bob Vila

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My buddy and his wife brought some over on Saturday night, where 7 of us enjoyed a few double shots. My first thought was that it was extremely bitter smelling (smells almost like black licorice) and the taste was not something to yern for. However, the traditional sense of enjoying an absinthe drink is to mix 3 or 4 parts with Ice cold water and a sugar cube to distile some of the bitterness of the drink. Once done - the liquid turns from an emerald green color to a milky white. The bottle we had was something to the effect of 68% alcohol per volume or something insane like that. It left you feeling pretty good but no one started seeing fairy's or anything of the like (tripping). Not sure how much you would have to drink or maybe my tolerance is just too high (I had 6 beers, a full bottle of Shiraz and 3 12oz Grey and Cran's the night before and was just getting my buzz on).

Anyways, have any of you tried or experienced this liquor?
never tried it...hmm...sounds interesting...might have to try it sometime...can i get this at any liquor store?
a buddy of mine is supposed to buy some.. it all depends on what stuff you get.. there is a cheap bottle and there is a bottle that costs about $200 <---thats the one my friends getting
i was wondering the same, where did they acquire it from?
i thought the real stuff was illegal everywhere
Legal in Europe, most the stuff over here is fake.

The key to it's property is the fact that it's distilled in wormwood.

you have to drink a bunch of it and it's nothing crazy even if you do.
the deal with absinthe is it is illegal. You can buy the suff to make it, but anything you buy in a store is absente. The difference is the extract of wormwood. This is a mild halucingen. Traditionally this was mixed with laudnum. Which was at the time a medical name for opium. though with just absenthe it will make you hallucinate.
uhm.....purple haze....

I had that crap all the time in Okinawa....the drink...and I made and mastered making it and the super-purple-haze...

lets say...if you can drink 2 of the SPH....in front of me and within an hour...and live...errrrrrr...stay in a...uhm sober form...then I'll bow down and uhm.......praise your strength and take a picture...cuz your not going to remember what you do after the 3rd drink....if you can stay consiounce.....

what's in the purple haze? i still have a full bottle of the sebor absinthe and i'm looking for something new to make.
I've had Absinthe and Absenthe. Absenthe is nothing special. Absinthe isn't really either. I just recall the taste was along the lines of being smacked in the face with a 120 proof, movie size box of Good and Plenty.
Make Potka. Take a 1.75ml. bottle of vodka, add an ounce of pot, and put it in the closet for two weeks. Add 1/4-1/2 shot to 8oz. of fruit juice and trip out. You can also make a less powerful version by putting about a half ounce of stems (ask your stoner friends to save their lumber for you) into a mason jar and filling it with vodka. Let that sit for 4-7 days. You can drain the pot or leave it in and the strength of the pot doesn't really seem to matter, "trash" works just as well as actual bud.

And on top of it all, you won't be ingesting a poison...wormwood extract.
I will have to try that.
I've had some of the so called good shit, IMO it tasted like total shit. I couldnt stand it.

Yeah man, jade verte suisse 65, novelle orleans, and fougerolles are the shit. You won't "trip" no matter how much you drink (unless you take a few shots neat, and then you're just shit faced drunk). Most I ever felt was like if I sniffed scented candles all day, or hand some wierd indian food. Licorice? Always thought it tasted like baby powder, or anise cookies. Those bargain absinthes taste like ass, decent absinthe should cost at least around $50 a bottle and should be corked like wine (Jade is like over $100 a bottle). If you just curious and wanna know what it kinda tastes like, grab a bottle of Ricard, louches just like absinthe but it's brown instead of green and leaves your mouth numb.