My own Breakfast

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Well then I was misconstrued on what I read then and apologized as I got the hint you were one of the people you were mocking in this post.

Hell I am the idiot who got married again after finally getting rid of my Ex of 11 years. Oh well.. I had a nice year of being single. Except all the diseases I caught.

And the grammar police does not phase me. I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. However I do more common sense and street smarts in my pinky than the average Joe does in their entire body.
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Hahahah... sorry to hear. I also just read, and my comments seem a little defensive. I'm smiling the whole time I typed it.

The major thing to remember from the rest of the post is that I DO get the attention of a lot of women, but my honest personality doesn't seem to win anyone over. Which is completely "unfair" because I'm actually a fantastic guy to date (At least, on paper). The more I let out about the extreme nature of my being, the more I seem to push someone away. It's like I tell women "I have a spaceship!" and they say "Wow, you're great!" and then I show them the spaceship and they say "Whatever, fuck you" and walk away. It makes less than 0 sense. It's negative 45 sense.
I agree with you on that Cel. I have a very hard time finding women do to the fact that I have to shop for 2. As beautiful as a woman might be, if I don't like her mentally I can't have anything to do with her. Every woman I meet has to be judged on two scales, the potential gf scale and the mother scale. If I don't think she can cut the mustard with me and my son then its a no go. I refuse to parade a bunch of usless skanks past my son so I can get my rocks off. Both he and I deserve better then that.
The Beetle is an 04 convertible Turbo. 5 speed, sky blue, grey interior... TAPE DECK (I mean, what the fuck. Tape deck ?!) Mint condition, all the options. heated seats, mirrors, 17" wheels, not a scratch. $14,000. Traded the Yaris in with $10,000 note. Increased payments by about $50 and added another year to the term length.

I can't possibly think of a worse car, except probably a '03 beetle. To each his own I guess. At least you've got a bike to get you around when it breaks down.
I am the exact same way as my two girls mean more to me that the entire world. I did not let them meet my current wife/then girlfriend for up to 6 months of us dating. I did not want to confuse them nor introduce them to a bunch of people who were not worth my time.

My biggest thing to me was sex. I am a sexual person like sex and have to have good sex with my partner. For the year I was single I bounced from alot of women and including alot of married women. None of them actually were that great, even strippers who you would think would be able to do the deed correctly and let me down.

Then I met my current wife. We hit it off the first time we met and it was just like clock work. It all seemed to fall in place and it happended to us both at a time that neither of us were actually looking for anything really serious. But since the first night I went on the date with her we have been together everyday since then. I think it was also to the most part she just did not give it up. She made me wait about a month until we finally did and well I think that's what really captured me. I could trust her, and that took alot for me to actually be able to trust someone. I am sure it has to do with my past and how unfaithful I have been in past relationships and also the fact that at anytime that past year I could of called any of the 4 married chicks I was seeing and they would lie to their spouse and get out of the house. So I kind of ruined it for me by seeing just how sheisty girls can be. Until you find one that changes your mind.
I can't possibly think of a worse car, except probably a '03 beetle. To each his own I guess. At least you've got a bike to get you around when it breaks down.
Not my car. Like the Yaris, it's my mother's car. She lives with me . My only actual transportation is my Bike and whatever car I can borrow for bad weather. Mostly, its me in the rain.


aw call me do u still have my number

I just got this response. Now do you doubt the poetry ?
Respond back with "Meet me in the janitor closet in 10 minutes." Just to appease me. :)

Then go pound some cakes and loosen up.. :)
The thing here, is that you and I are very different people. You and I have very different tastes in women. That's why what works for you won't work for me.

Enjoy your ridiculous chicks. :)
Gross. Chicks with that much shit in her face is nasty. I figured she would like to have a belt tied around her neck and choked while doing her from behind. My perception of woman can be off from time to time.
People can take my advice if they want to. Never said mine was more correct than the next person. But from my stand point, I have never written a poem in my life nor will I. And I have had 0 problems with the opposite sex. That and why would anyone want to work that hard to get a woman. I still make sure my balls are attached no matter if I am talking to a woman or man.

But to to say "Everyone must write poetry and kiss a woman's feet." Is 100% dead wrong. No one needs to kiss anyone's ass in a relationship. I can speak from experience, nice guys hardly ever finish first. And if you want a woman to walk all over you while you are writing her poetry and being captain save a hoe, some asshole will come by call your woman a bitch and she will hop in the sack with them. Again, I speak from experience, not just off the top of my head.

Relationships are like kids. Not one is the same nor is there a right way and a wrong way to do things. If so there would be only one Dr. Spock. (sp?).

If you want to tell me your way is the perfect way then I would laugh in your face along with probably 10 of my good friends. We all have the same attitude and there is none of us that ever have any problems actually obtaining women or keeping their interests. Just because some ugly chick with alot of shit in her face says "Oh write me more poetry" does not mean every womans wants a man to write them poetry. Some women like a Man's Man. Someone to put them in their place when needed, hell thats why my current wife fell for me. She had 100% of her past relationships of all men falling over her and doing everything she asked. she got bored of them, where as I put her in her place, I tell her she is wrong and I won't just agree to make her seem great.
Wait am I talking to a guy who went two years without sex? Holy shit. I would of humped a hole in a tree or something. Jesus. Two years. So is it like a Bike? You know you can take some time off and then still get right back on and do your thing?
Well shit yeah if there is money involved. Why not even get a hooker to twist ya off or something. Hell one can be had for like 10 bucks. Throw some poetry around at the strip club. Chicks high on Meth love that shit.
Wait am I talking to a guy who went two years without sex? Holy shit. I would of humped a hole in a tree or something. Jesus. Two years. So is it like a Bike? You know you can take some time off and then still get right back on and do your thing?

Piss off
Awwe.. Thats cute. You hold his balls and tendorize them for him. Thats nice. Did he write you a poem as well?

Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue
I'd like to stick my pepe.
In your number 2.