My own Breakfast

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But on a lighter note, the 18 year old semi-goth girl that I was talking about a few pages back, I managed to introduce my mom to hers. Wierd.
We went on a tour of graveyards in my area. She can't feel anything, doesn't really get it.
She doesn't look me in the eye
Booze makes her violent. I have to ground her regularly.
I can't get near her
She forgets she told me things a few weeks ago
And she lies / doesn't know what she's doing.

Why am I still hung up on this chick ?
Please don't tell me you are gonna try to "rescue" her.
Of course I am. I would like to tell that I won't, But I will. I know it, you know it. And you know why.
Yup. Not a penny spent, and I'm not doing anything tonight anyway.
Announce to me the harm, and I'll reconsider.

Aleaf brought up that it could be bipolar disorder.
Did you ever give it to her on the bike? or was that another one?
No, two goth girls. One I would say is full blown, the other likes her hair black, metal music and piercings. One is 19 the other is 18.

The bike chick was another one. I dropped her like a bad habit.
That was another one. I'll tell you what is wrong with it. If you want to play daddy or fix people, go back to school and become a full time counselor. Otherwise, don't waste a second of your already short life trying to milk some attention-whoring goth princess through her pseudo dark mysterious depression bullshit. Her dad left when she was five, or even worse, nothing happened to her. This is just the easiest way she has found to be unique and get attention. It speaks of volumes of personal insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. It will always be about her and her dark brooding bullshit. Don't even hit it. Just get the fuck outta Dodge.
I've heard the same from others. Substitute "Goth" for .. say.. "Tattoo laden" or "cheery"

Its all an act. Whatever. I dress up in an act too, I'm no better. It's called style.

Without it we would all be the same. If neo-gothic is someone's style, then it's no better or worse than my neo-victorian.
Yea, everyone's got their baggage and some way of externalizing it. if she's crazy gtfo, but if not, then at least stick around for some booty.
That was another one. I'll tell you what is wrong with it. If you want to play daddy or fix people, go back to school and become a full time counselor. Otherwise, don't waste a second of your already short life trying to milk some attention-whoring goth princess through her pseudo dark mysterious depression bullshit. Her dad left when she was five, or even worse, nothing happened to her. This is just the easiest way she has found to be unique and get attention. It speaks of volumes of personal insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. It will always be about her and her dark brooding bullshit. Don't even hit it. Just get the fuck outta Dodge.

That was another one. I'll tell you what is wrong with it. If you want to play daddy or fix people, go back to school and become a full time counselor. Otherwise, don't waste a second of your already short life trying to milk some attention-whoring goth princess through her pseudo dark mysterious depression bullshit. Her dad left when she was five, or even worse, nothing happened to her. This is just the easiest way she has found to be unique and get attention. It speaks of volumes of personal insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. It will always be about her and her dark brooding bullshit. Don't even hit it. Just get the fuck outta Dodge.
What if.... I am more brooding than her ?

What we're looking to do with this advice is turn it around - Find someone the opposite of this person, so that I can be the darker one with more issues. Does that make it right ?

Are you looking for the fabled balance here ? Am I capable of reaching that balance ?
My advice:
Carefully consider what everyone here has to say, then completely disregard it and do whatever the hell you want.