personality opinions

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holy fuck!!!!need some opinions or thoughts

ok so about a year ago i ended a 1.5 year relationship(my first real one at that)
now about a mnth ago i started dating this girl i met through my bestfriend,well basically i think that i do not deserve relationship,i admit,im a bit of a dick to girls i date,but are there differant types of people???
ones that date and others that just shouldnt?!
Yup, don't fake it. If she likes you for who you are, so be it.

P.S. Figure out where your anger/what the hell ever issues are and deal with them. There is no reason to just be a dick to girls you date.
it depends on what your looking for if you want ass do what it takes even if its faking it, but if your looking for the long run be yourself.
it depends on what your looking for if you want ass do what it takes even if its faking it, but if your looking for the long run be yourself.

very well put, smart girls can tell when you are faking.
maybe we could get a female opinion in this?
You're 19. My suggestion would be to have fun as long as you can. Don't lie to females. It's a waste of time.

Shag em rotten!

What do you mean when you say you are a dick to chicks?
troy you know me. the way i chat with you and jump from subject to subject is the same way i am with women. it keeps them interested and wondering what im going to say next. usually after that they are in my bed.

but not you:lol:
lol thanx for the replies,,
im a dick because i have anger problems,i get angry easily,and when i get angry i dont give a fuck what you say/think i go on a rampage,,,i dont mean alotta shit i say but i just cannot help it,
its not just like im a dick to females,,im a dick to anyone that does anything to piss me off,,and i say some harsh shit,

i def. am in it for the long run,so i dont wanna push this girl away,weve been together about a month and treats me like god,i just hate repaying her like this
no i wasnt abused.i honestly think i may be bipolar or something,because when i get angry.i flip.i have very little self control when im angry
and yes she is worth keeping,so i just need to know how to control myself.
if you dont wish to change, or dont put any effort forth. it will be a waste of time.
if you listen and try, then you may learn a thing or two.

its just like any type of class, if you dont try, you wont learn.
Exactly. And, most importantly, you honestly have to want to change.

For me, it took my wife (then girlfriend) leaving me three times before I got the clue. The last time I came home to a Dear John, which really sucked I must say, and it literally tore me apart inside. This was after seven years. When she came back, and she did ask for permission to come back because she knew she fucked up (she said "I know I fucked up..."), she said that my anger was the problem. I realized that while I could live without her if I had to, I didn't want to. It's been five years and our relationship is better than ever because we both work at it every day. If you look back at some of my really old posts it's like I'm a completely different person. It's taken years of hard and consistent work, but it's paid off by having a wonderful and supportive woman in my life that I love with all my heart. Is the effort worth it? It certainly was for me. Know that this was not easy for me to share.

Excellent story. Thanks for sharing man. :thumbsup:

Injen, are you paying attention? :D
you should work at/ find out the cause of these issues. I've also found as I got older life settled down for me. I guess over time you learn to better deal with lifes bs, becuase you get used to it. Now it's the times in life that things aren't fucked up that I worrie about, because it's usually the calm before the storm. Dennis Leary does a bit about life in his stand up. If someone could youtube it for me, I can't I at work. Basically he sums up life in the point that it's all bs except the little things, smoking a cig, eating a candy bar and having sex.

So to sum up settle down and get used to it. There is only gonna be more/bigger bull in life to deal with in the years ahead.
i see where you guys are coming from,
basicall dont let the little shit bother me because down the road will be bigger shit
im exactly the opposite.
i fucking flip out at small shit. my friends and gf's all know this. i dont really take it out on them at all, just usually flip out at the one responsible then just remain quiet for a while. but when big things happen, im calm as ever. friends find it wierd. but it works out best bc where most people would loose train of logical thought and just act on emotions, i can make the decisions that need to be made.

but your biggest problem is, you need to learn self control.
you act like a dick bc you dont want to control it. you just snap and take it out on everybody thats around you.
learn to fucking control yourself and you wont have as many problems with it.
when you get angry, just shut the fuck up until you can talk in a calm manner. tell your gf that when you get quiet to just leave you alone for a bit and you will talk latter when you calm down.