Thinking Career Change- Opinions Needed

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Do you want to live, or do you want to live forever?
OP "Job Recommendations soo I can say no to everything"
Haha, does kind of read that way. Not my intention.

I am pretty stuck on welding. Currently going through the steps for a different job in warehousing. More logistics, was referred by a friend. More normal hours that should allow me to take this welding course.

Do you want to live, or do you want to live forever?
I'm looking for a good ROI, where I is my time. I don't want to work 60+ hours a week saving for my bucket list in retirement. I think with how in demand certain skilled labor is, if I had the urge to ski bum a season or spend a summer in Alaska, or whatever, I could leave where I'm working and be able to find work when I get back. That's were the Reserves came in. Continued health benefits if I was to be voluntarily unemployed. However, my adventures could never take longer than a month in between drills, haha. IDK, I'm rambling.
From everything that has gone on in this thread, it seems to me that your real question is something like:

How can I make $65000+ while working 1600 or less hours per year?
I think I could enjoy driving actually. Minus the long hours on the road, away from home. I like to drive, you get to explore the country, and training only takes 3 weeks. It's not on my my options list. More like an "if all else fails and I need to pay my bills" option.

You still don't get it. Actually, maybe I'm the one who doesn't get it. I keep talking of a bigger career goal and "don't just find another job." Maybe that isn't what you want out of this and you just want to vent. But do you really want this thread to have the outcome of, "oh, i asked a bunch of questions and shared my feelings and decided to be a truck driver because it's an "ok job""?

We get it, quit your fucking job already. If you need people to tell you that you're ready to move on from your current job, we're all here for that. Quitting is easy. Finding your dreams is a lot harder and that's what I thought we were all here for.

I feel this thread going off the rails already so I'll throw my 2 cents in.
I am just waiting for the day I've had enough and just cash all my chips in and vacate the northeast.
I have no idea where I will end up, but I daydream of just getting the F* out of dodge.

My old man always dreamed of dropping it all and becoming a beach bum.
I think everyone has fantasies of ditching all responsibilities and just running away.
For some it translates into a career change, for others it leads to retirement eventually I guess?

One day.....

I have a spreadsheet. That spreadsheet has a number. When my net worth reaches that number and life goes FUBAR, I'll have the financial freedom and exit strategy prepared.



yup, 8% of the way there now. lol

Your number must be a lot higher than mine. I'm at about 30% right now. I can lower my number if i decide i just want to own a fishing boat and offer guided tours in a central american country. lol
i'm targetting 2 mil. Assuming a paid-off home, I could draw indefinitely on that number even in a bad market without hitting principal. That's the objective.
From everything that has gone on in this thread, it seems to me that your real question is something like:

How can I make $65000+ while working 1600 or less hours per year?
That would be lovely. Realistically I would prefer $50-65k for 2080-2600.
You still don't get it. Actually, maybe I'm the one who doesn't get it. I keep talking of a bigger career goal and "don't just find another job." Maybe that isn't what you want out of this and you just want to vent. But do you really want this thread to have the outcome of, "oh, i asked a bunch of questions and shared my feelings and decided to be a truck driver because it's an "ok job""?

We get it, quit your fucking job already. If you need people to tell you that you're ready to move on from your current job, we're all here for that. Quitting is easy. Finding your dreams is a lot harder and that's what I thought we were all here for.
Part vent, part group think, part hear some hard truths.

I'm applying and interviewing for new jobs. But I'll never quit before I have something else. Trust me, I want to quit. I'm not harboring any feeling that my current situation might just "work itself out". I have a few things working right now that could be much better situations and allow for some further education as well.
50k for 2000 is pretty easy to obtain....

Yup. That's slightly less than $25/hour. I tried to get Manuel(sic) labor last summer from Home Depot and they required $25/hour in cash. Roughly the equivalent of $36/hour pre-tax.

What I'm saying here is, if that's all you want, you can be a day laborer at Home Depot. lol
Yup. That's slightly less than $25/hour. I tried to get Manuel(sic) labor last summer from Home Depot and they required $25/hour in cash. Roughly the equivalent of $36/hour pre-tax.

What I'm saying here is, if that's all you want, you can be a day laborer at Home Depot. lol
IDK, last I checked it was 100/day plus lunch. Maybe it's gone up in WA because of your 15/hr min wage, haha. Benefits would also be nice.
Buddy of mine from Amazon now works for Wayfair. He's going to recommend me for a few positions there. The one at the top of my list is a mid-mile logistical role. Less management, more doing. Guess we'll see how that pans out.
Just accepted an offer. The company is highly recommended based on my friend's stellar reviews of working there. He has a similar mindset about work as I do. I guess time will tell.

Was really hoping to take a week in between jobs and go get my Integra in NJ, but IDK if that can happen now.
Just accepted an offer. The company is highly recommended based on my friend's stellar reviews of working there. He has a similar mindset about work as I do. I guess time will tell.

Was really hoping to take a week in between jobs and go get my Integra in NJ, but IDK if that can happen now.

Why can't you take time off before you start? If they plan on you being there for at LEAST 3-5 years, they should be able to afford having you come in refreshed and clear headspace from your old company. It's not unreasonable for someone to not start for 4 weeks after they accept an offer. You can burn a bridge by not giving 2 weeks notice and taking time off after that, but that's a personal decision.

IMHO, leaving a job on friday and starting a new one on monday is dumb. It's like breaking up with someone and getting a new relationship two days later and expecting it to work.
Why can't you take time off before you start? If they plan on you being there for at LEAST 3-5 years, they should be able to afford having you come in refreshed and clear headspace from your old company. It's not unreasonable for someone to not start for 4 weeks after they accept an offer. You can burn a bridge by not giving 2 weeks notice and taking time off after that, but that's a personal decision.

IMHO, leaving a job on friday and starting a new one on monday is dumb. It's like breaking up with someone and getting a new relationship two days later and expecting it to work.
That's a solid point. I may reach out to the recruiter and see if we can push the start date.
That's a solid point. I may reach out to the recruiter and see if we can push the start date.

Did you give them a date or did they give you a start day. I'm probably way overthinking this, but my tiny brain views that as a power play. I know not everyone is irreplaceable, but at least don't let me know that's how you view me. lol
Did you give them a date or did they give you a start day. I'm probably way overthinking this, but my tiny brain views that as a power play. I know not everyone is irreplaceable, but at least don't let me know that's how you view me. lol
They asked for a start date and I said I would want to give my current adequate notice. I know they want someone in thew role ASAP, but I reached out to the recruiter.

"Would it be possible to push my start date 1 week? This would go a long way to smooth my transition, and not burn any bridges. If this is not possible, I understand".

Left it vague so as not to outright state my current wants another week or I just want a week off. Recruiter said he would talk to my new manager. Should hear back today. I cleared background and drug today so hopefully I caught them in a good mood, haha.
They came back and said they need me in 2 weeks. Apparently I was slated to start at the same time as another person, but they did not accept their offer. Is what it is. I have some PTO to burn, since my current only pays out vacation, so I'll only have a 3 day work week next week.