COD: Black ops

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luckily for me my friends from out of town love COD .. so i'll let them play and get me xp.. lol
Just crossed into 12th prestige this morning. Nuketown 24/7 can be very frustrating if you're playing with randoms...
racked another prestige on the xbox, up to 3rd
and then i did some work on the ps3, got up to about 45 on prestige 2
didnt see nuketown 24/7 on ps3 until mid day monday
I didn't play too much this weekend.. my friends from LB were playing most of the time
it was funny to see brutal pop up as KILLED BY:
just like old times
enjoying a nice game, then bam... out of nowhere, dead... over and over again
Haha, yeah. I was getting pissed in that game though because I think there was a glitch. There's that ice bridge that you can blow up, and the bridge was still there but I kept falling through it like it was blown up. I did it like 3 times, lol. I was trying to come around the back and get the flag...
haha, didnt realize it
i just bought that map pack before PSN went down so I never played them much...
was not the best way to try and learn a map playing CTF
Those maps are pretty decent, but I think I like the Escalation ones better. I'm trying to get better at sniping, and three of the Escalation maps have great sniping spots...
I was up in michigan camping all week/end so I didn't get a chance to play double XP even though I wouldn't be affected anyway. Haha I'm never prestiging!!!

Those maps are pretty decent, but I think I like the Escalation ones better. I'm trying to get better at sniping, and three of the Escalation maps have great sniping spots...

I've been working the sniper rifle a lot lately. I LOVE sniping the back corridor on Berlin. The first two map packs are awesome for sniping. I lost my wallet when camping so ill have to wait ti I get my new card before checking out the new pack.

Speaking of sniping, I got a nice "ambush style" headshot today on Berlin. It was about a minute into the match.
YouTube - ‪Double0Si - Black Ops Game Clip‬‏
That was a nice ass shot! I haven't really tried sniping on Berlin Wall. I really like sniping on Hotel. There's usually always snipers duking it out between the two upper floors of the hotels. It can be intense - pop up, take a shot, hope it connects, duck down again quickly if you miss. It's especially tense if you're using the L96 - can't just fire off multiple shots in a row...
whythankyou. I get a really nice one every now and then. I just wish you could see it a little more clearly.

I love sniping that back corridor where the Spetznaz first spawn. I lay near the brewery as my position 1. If it gets hot I go up in the brewery for 2, and in the building across from it for 3. If I time it right I can usually hold down that entire corner of the map and the road as well. People get piiiiiiisssssssssssssed.

You just gotta anticipate where they're going to try to find you from next and ambush them. I usually steal the first guy I kill close enough's gun I can as a close range for between movements. Sometimes I'm lucky and its a 74u or MP5K.

I love that map for sniping too, but I found that if you crouch along the bathroom wall next to the vending machine on the casino side you can kill people in either window and they usually dont know where youre coming from. Again I try to find a backup weapon cause youre pretty open from the oposite side of the map.
Is there a perk on that game that lets you hold your breath longer? (I haven't played it in forever) Your scope was crazy still for a long time.
ah. maybe that's why I never liked sniping on Black Ops, I never did get that one pro'd I don't think. I may have to get it back from my friend and play it some more.
It gives you 6 heart beats of breath holding instead of 3. But I didn't hold it very long in that video, it was just slowmo'd at 10% speed.
So I got it back from my buddy Saturday night. Played it some Sunday. Pro'd a couple perks already. I think I'm just going to work on getting them to pro, I don't really want to prestige again.

But now I'm confused I put it on hardcore CTF, and after one game of it it switched it to HC HQ, I was so confused when I backed out and I couldn't find HCHQ on the list of playable game types... what switched?