spontaneous buy... new tv

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Welp, I decided i wanted a tv in my bed room so i could stop passing out on the couch all the time. So, i went out and bought one :)

got a 32" LG LCD. The samsung I wanted wasn't in stock, so this was the next best option for the money. Just 720p... i already have the 1080p downstairs, so i didn't see the need to spend the extra money on it. Movie time will still be down stairs for the most part. it was on sale for $999 and it even fit int he trunk of the bimmer :p

I propped it up on my dresser for now.... but its too high and at a bad angle. I'd like to wall mount it, but its too much work, as my cable jack is on the adjacent wall. so, i'll probably pick up a small stand that's not as high. a foot lower than it is now would be ideal i think.

anyway, here's the pic. Armageddon was on :p


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i was thinking about picking that exact model up for my ps3. tell me what you think about it in a week or so.
i was thinking about picking that exact model up for my ps3. tell me what you think about it in a week or so.
for a game system 42" or bust!
32" TV isnt bad for a bedstand tv or even a monitor. but for your gaming tv. blah!
yeah, its perfect for a bedroom or office or something as a secondary, but i would never use something this size for a main display, be it tv, movies, or gaming.
for a game system 42" or bust!
32" TV isnt bad for a bedstand tv or even a monitor. but for your gaming tv. blah!

My 20" suits me just fine.

Maybe I'll pick up a big screen for the house once I pay some shit off...

edit: Looks like a sweet buy. :thumbsup:
My 20" suits me just fine.

Maybe I'll pick up a big screen for the house once I pay some shit off...

edit: Looks like a sweet buy. :thumbsup:

20" is fine if you have a gamecube, PS2 or xbox, but once you step up to a HD system. I can't say I'd ever want to wish a 20" tv on anyone. not even you =(
If you have samsclubs up that way you could get a pretty cheap viszo (sp) tv, my brothers picked up a 32" HD one for my parents, even with the bad no name brand it still got really good reviews. I think it was around 500 bucks.

If you don't have a PS3, Xbox360 or blueray/hddvd player then the 20" is fine. just sit close enough.
The viszo tv's are actually supposed to be very good.
Nice one.

Me and my roomies are looking at purchasing a 50" soon :) .
for a game system 42" or bust!
32" TV isnt bad for a bedstand tv or even a monitor. but for your gaming tv. blah!

im running a sanyo 25" CRT with surround. its nice, but even that 32" would be much bigger than what ive got.

We've been over this before. GET SOME WALL DECOR!!
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She's STILL Designing ?!?

I hope you're not paying her hourly.
shes only here a couple days out of the week, and all last week when my boss was out, she obviously wasn't at my place when i wasn't there. i think shes been here for a total of 6 or 7 days now. The majority of the work has been painting.
there's one coat left on the bottom stairs, and then painting is done. Then, there's a few misc things to get together and we're done
She's STILL Designing ?!?

I hope you're not paying her hourly.

Anyone see the Seinfeld episode with the maid? Watch Bs lady start coming over and eating his food and watching tv and porking B, then when B gets on her about not wanting to pay her, her pimp will come aknockin.