215hp @ 4200rpms Vs 215hp @ 3200rpms

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215HP @ 4200rpms vs 215HP @ 3200rpms

Whats faster?
I used those numbers as a metaphor, I just want to know what one would be faster.

"X" HP @ "A" rpms vs "X" HP @ Less than "A" rpms.... whats faster?
I would imagine that 215hp@3200rpms would be faster since you reach it earlier that would mean that car would have better acceleration. Now on the top end it would be hard to say.

I dont know though, because your getting an extra 1000 RPM, or an extra 1000 revoluntions per minute, so wouldn't that be making your car go faster? More Revolutions = Faster.... right?

Im confused now... I just confused myself.
Dude it depends on how you look at it. It would definitely come off of the line faster with 3200. I don't know about the top end. Your car can rev up to 12,000 rpm's but if it is only putting out 100hp then it just takes you longer to get to 100hp then another car that gets to 100hp at 5,000rpms

Originally posted by thepester@Mar 19 2003, 08:45 PM
I dont know though, because your getting an extra 1000 RPM, or an extra 1000 revoluntions per minute, so wouldn't that be making your car go faster? More Revolutions = Faster.... right?

Im confused now... I just confused myself.

first of all i think everyone on this site knows what RPM's are (if not what the hell are you doing on a swap site???) second when your making 215hp@3200rpm's, 3200rpm's is not your redline, you dont shift at 3200rpm so your not getting any extra rpm's out of the latter engine....... :blink:

not to be a dickhead (i prefer asshole) you need to start reading some books man, get the basics of engines down before attempting ANYTHING on your honda....... but i will say this you can definitely handle sticker installations, for quick hp gains......lol
bleh.... the numbers weren't real, it was a metaphor. Im not worried about it anymore. Just look at my Final Answer post, let me know what I need to change. Thanks