25 reasons to smoke the Ganj

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Supa Mod
if you have any to add.. feel free to.. .:D

1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.

2) Marijuana users report less depression

3) Marijuana does not cause emphysema, unlike tobacco.

4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)

5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors

6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.

7) There has never been a study to link marijuana with psychological problems, though it’s not for a lack of trying.

8 ) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

9) Marijuana fights hardened arteries

10) Marijuana has both stalled the growth of and eliminated brain tumors in rats. Such an experiment has yet to be done on humans.

11) Not that herd mentality is a good reason, but you’re not alone. Marijuana is the US’s number one crop.

12) Sex gets a whole lot better

13) 15 million people smoke it a month (US only).

16) Marijuana can prevent blindness.

17) Marijuana can prevent migraines.

18) Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. There is no physical addiction but a slight mental addiction can develop.

19) In 1977 the DEA wanted to decriminalize marijuana.

20) Haven’t you always wanted to be able to laugh at Pauly Shore?

21) Because legality isn’t a good enough reason for you to not smoke. Slavery was once legal and sodomy was once illegal; legality is a horrid barometer for morality.

22) Because getting “high†isn’t “bad.†Though you may not realize it, eating meat or candy or fried foods or vegetables or drinking coffee, tea, or soda all effect your mental state. All of these things can make you “high.â€

23) Because we don’t yet know all of the benefits of marijuana; the government has tried for years to prove that it is harmful and has consistently failed. Very few studies have explored its benefits.

24) Because you would be in the company of Louis Armstrong, the Beatles, Bob Denver, Bill Clinton, George Bush (okay, never mind him), famous scientist Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Lewis Caroll, George Washington Carver, Salvador Dali, Al Gore, Steve Jobs, John kennedy, John Wayne, and George Washington.

25) Because it feels good.

and i just noticed that 14 and 15 are missing..
if you have any to add.. feel free to.. .:D

2) Marijuana users report less depression
skeptical at best, i know lots of people that are still depressed, perhaps even more so, although they regularly use marijuana

4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)
bullshit, maybe if you use a vaporizer, but anything smoked and inhaled is damaging to the lungs
5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors
if coughing counts as cleansing then i would have to agree
6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.
perhaps not irreputable damage.... but even that is a stretch

8 ) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.
people don't jump from straight edge to injecting heroin
9) Marijuana fights hardened arteries

i'm all for smoking pot, but some of these things seem a bit far fetched
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Goddamnit I just went through this shit on another board yesterday. I'm not getting back into this.

Legalize the fucking plant, let people fucking buy it next to cigarettes and fucking be done with it already. I'm so sick of hearing how smoking something is so beneficial without any proof to back up the claims. SMOKE cleanses the lungs? Bull. Fucking. Shit.
THC has been shown to stall cancer growth. There are plenty of studies concerning it. Studies have also shown that pot smoking is not linked to lung cancer.

Here's another good reason: It's natural.

I don't like drugs. Mary isn't a drug. It's a plant. It's a natural product of this world. There is no additional processing done to it before you take it in. Heroin... processed. Cocaine... processed. LSD... synthetic. Ecstasy... processed/synthetic.

Marijuana... natural.
THC has been shown to stall cancer growth. There are plenty of studies concerning it. Studies have also shown that pot smoking is not linked to lung cancer.

Here's another good reason: It's natural.

I don't like drugs. Mary isn't a drug. It's a plant. It's a natural product of this world. There is no additional processing done to it before you take it in. Heroin... processed. Cocaine... processed. LSD... synthetic. Ecstasy... processed/synthetic.

Marijuana... natural.

It's not linked to cancer because people don't smoke 20-40 joints a day (1-2 packs of cigs) like they would with cigarettes. Everybody knows cigarettes are bad for you, but the main ingredient, nicotene, is a natural plant as well. It just gets processed with preservatives as well.

Edit: marijuana isn't a drug, but THC is.
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1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.

2) Marijuana users report less depression

4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)

5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors

6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.

7) There has never been a study to link marijuana with psychological problems, though it’s not for a lack of trying.

8 ) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.

11) Not that herd mentality is a good reason, but you’re not alone. Marijuana is the US’s number one crop.

12) Sex gets a whole lot better

18) Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. There is no physical addiction but a slight mental addiction can develop.

The above quoted are either false or opinion.

i'm sure someone died from it. i've seen plenty of people smoke themselves retarded and blow chunks everwhere. i'm sure someone could/has died from it.

HEROIN is less adictive than caffine. nice comparison there...
THC has been shown to stall cancer growth. There are plenty of studies concerning it. Studies have also shown that pot smoking is not linked to lung cancer.

Here's another good reason: It's natural.

I don't like drugs. Mary isn't a drug. It's a plant. It's a natural product of this world. There is no additional processing done to it before you take it in. Heroin... processed. Cocaine... processed. LSD... synthetic. Ecstasy... processed/synthetic.

Marijuana... natural.
so then peyote is not a drug either, nor penicillin
so then peyote is not a drug either, nor penicillin

Penicillin is a spore. An extremely useful and abundant one at that. Peyote is a plant as well. Never heard of a shaman being wrong... or on this planet :D
While I agree many of these are false or merely opinion. The fact remains that millions of dollars are spent every year to combat a substance that is never going to go away, and is proven to be significantly less harmful physically and socialogically than alcohol and tobacco. The Government/Law enforcement resources could definitely be better spent.
It's not linked to cancer because people don't smoke 20-40 joints a day (1-2 packs of cigs) like they would with cigarettes. Everybody knows cigarettes are bad for you, but the main ingredient, nicotene, is a natural plant as well. It just gets processed with preservatives as well.

Edit: marijuana isn't a drug, but THC is.

There's no need to smoke 40 J's in a day unless you have a HUGE tolerance to pot.

The main ingredient of stogies is not nicotine, but tobacco. Tobacco is the plant, nicotine is the active ingredient present in said tobacco. A single drop of pure nicotine will stop your heart instantly. Hell of a drug that is.

And Cel... yes it is natural. That's why I put a greater deal of trust in it versus whatever unpronounceable forced chemical bond that Pfizer, Glaxo and the others try to put into our bodies. How many of those wonder pills were recalled because of things like heart and kidney failure? Never heard of that happening to a poheed.
oops. I meant nicotene as the drug is present in tobacco which is the main ingredient of cigarettes. Growers will fertalize and grow it with additives that make the nicotene stronger.

Doesn't matter what plant nicotene is in, as long as it's present that's what the growers and cigarette manufacturers want.

Edit: that was my point though, nobody smokes 20-40 joints a day, so of course it's not going to be linked to HUGE amounts of cancer patients. Besides many a pot smokers also smoke cigarettes, so I'd like to say that myth of it not being linked to cancer is only plausible by means of you being insane for believing it. Since every pot smoker varies on if they do/do not smoke cigs and how much they smoke between the two, then it's not testable anyway.
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