25 reasons to smoke the Ganj

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It's not linked to cancer because people don't smoke 20-40 joints a day (1-2 packs of cigs) like they would with cigarettes.
You obviously don't know the people I know, haha.

1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.
Anyone see Kat Williams "Pimp Chronicles"?
"Is he dead?'
"No, no one dies from weed. Sure that motha fucka looks dead but in 45 minutes he's gonna wake up and eat everything in your house."

**reaches for bowl**
Yeah I've known a few pot heads in my day, been around Emmaline (BDN will know her) while she was blazing one at a Crossfade concert I took her to. I remember smelling it at the Metallica concert in Columbus, the people right next to us were lighting them up. Lucky me for being next to them. That shit stinks.

But that's about the extent of my marijuana experience.
Pretty much the same for me. I know its an aquired taste, and I really have nothng against people who do use it - I just can't stand the smell. The closest to smoking pot is being next to a few guys lighting up a bowl at the 2005 Patriots parade in Federal Square, Boston.
wow, you guys are surely prudish in Indiana. I bet you don't sell liquor on Sundays either? LOL
wow, you guys are surely prudish in Indiana. I bet you don't sell liquor on Sundays either? LOL



It sucks. They sell warm beer at grocery stores and convenience stores aren't allowed to sell any alcohol.
Do you ride around in horse drawn buggies too? :)

Nah. I have a car. Oh but I don't have to go get it BAR, CARB, NAZI-state, whatever you call it, approved to be able to drive it.

I could take off my cat converter and no one would know/care here.

ISP is quite a bit more relaxed than CHP, too. ;)
Ok first off, I love the ganja, but this list is retarded.

if you have any to add.. feel free to.. .:D

1) Nobody has ever died from smoking pot.
No one has OVERDOSED on pot, this is true. However, I'm SURE that people have died in car accidents caused by being too blazed, or falling out of a tree or something. Granted they didn't die from smoking, but they died as a consequence of smoking. (Realize that many people consider drunk-driving = death from alcohol)
2) Marijuana users report less depression
Most people are much happier when blazed, but I do often feel a little less on top of things when I stop smoking...
3) Marijuana does not cause emphysema, unlike tobacco.
Ok...this is a reason not to smoke cigarettes, not a reason TO smoke pot.
4) Marijuana does not cause cancer (and if you smoke it you are actually slightly less likely to get cancer)
Also not a reason TO smoke. I'm sure THC does help fight cancer, but I'm not convinced that smoking doesn't have its harms.
5) THC actually helps cleanse the lungs, preventing tumors
Good reason to vaporize :)
6) Daily marijuana use doesn’t damage your brain.
Maybe it doesn't kill brain cells like alcohol but it certainly does change your brain chemistry.
7) There has never been a study to link marijuana with psychological problems, though it’s not for a lack of trying.
People with problems gravitate towards drugs, I also don't believe that weed or any other drug for that matter creates psychological problems.
8 ) Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug.
True, but not a reason to smoke. All the people arguing against this one are just stupid. Thing about it, it makes sense that most people that use hard drugs would smoke weed. Its very accessible and it gets you high. However, saying that weed LEADS you towards hard drugs is a shaky argument at best. I know a lot of people that started on pills/cigs/alcohol before every using weed. (I exclude LSD and Boomers from the hard catigory...weed does lead to their use :))
9) Marijuana fights hardened arteries
If you say so.
10) Marijuana has both stalled the growth of and eliminated brain tumors in rats. Such an experiment has yet to be done on humans.
No arguments there
11) Not that herd mentality is a good reason, but you’re not alone. Marijuana is the US’s number one crop.
Also, not a reason to do it, just self justification.
12) Sex gets a whole lot better
True :)
13) 15 million people smoke it a month (US only).
Again, not a reason TO smoke.
16) Marijuana can prevent blindness.
You mean it can help glychoma?
17) Marijuana can prevent migraines.
True, I used to get migraines often (once every week or 2). I've had 1 since starting to smoke 5 yrs ago. (Could also be an aging thing that fixed it tho). I do know other people who treat their migraines with weed very successfully.
18) Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. There is no physical addiction but a slight mental addiction can develop.
Need I repeat, not a reason TO smoke.
19) In 1977 the DEA wanted to decriminalize marijuana.
Just because someone says its ok doesn't mean you should do it.
20) Haven’t you always wanted to be able to laugh at Pauly Shore?
I still can't when high.
21) Because legality isn’t a good enough reason for you to not smoke. Slavery was once legal and sodomy was once illegal; legality is a horrid barometer for morality.
See 18, 13, 4, 3
22) Because getting “high†isn’t “bad.†Though you may not realize it, eating meat or candy or fried foods or vegetables or drinking coffee, tea, or soda all effect your mental state. All of these things can make you “high.â€
See above
23) Because we don’t yet know all of the benefits of marijuana; the government has tried for years to prove that it is harmful and has consistently failed. Very few studies have explored its benefits.
This is a good reason to legalize, but a shitty reason to smoke.
24) Because you would be in the company of Louis Armstrong, the Beatles, Bob Denver, Bill Clinton, George Bush (okay, never mind him), famous scientist Carl Sagan, Michael Bloomberg, Lewis Caroll, George Washington Carver, Salvador Dali, Al Gore, Steve Jobs, John kennedy, John Wayne, and George Washington.
Hey, I want to be cool too!!!!:rolleyes:
25) Because it feels good.

The best reason of them all. This is what it comes down to. If you like smoking weed, smoke it, don't try to justify it with lots of bullshit.

and i just noticed that 14 and 15 are missing..
(They were blazed when they wrote this)

Again, I'm completely for smoking pot, its just that this post seems to try and justify it instead of provide real reasons to smoke. The only real reasons you need are enjoyment and medicine. That's all.
Nah. I have a car. Oh but I don't have to go get it BAR, CARB, NAZI-state, whatever you call it, approved to be able to drive it.

I could take off my cat converter and no one would know/care here.

ISP is quite a bit more relaxed than CHP, too. ;)
I don't own a single car with a cat converter. BAR, CARB, there are ways around it for the same price as a smog check. :) My Honda doesn't have a single piece of smog equipment on it anymore. My Evo has a yellow bumper because of being catless and not washing the car in months. I have no troubles in beautiful sunny POT LOVING California!! :P
You sound proud of the fact you don't run a cat...which makes you an idiot. Why the hell wouldn't you run a cat. Why add to the smog problem?
I don't own a single car with a cat converter. BAR, CARB, there are ways around it for the same price as a smog check. :) My Honda doesn't have a single piece of smog equipment on it anymore. My Evo has a yellow bumper because of being catless and not washing the car in months. I have no troubles in beautiful sunny POT LOVING California!! :P

It'll catch back up with you soon enough...
weed kicks ass. Oh hey look, i just bought some. Time to pull a Turbo&Auto. :D
You sound proud of the fact you don't run a cat...which makes you an idiot. Why the hell wouldn't you run a cat. Why add to the smog problem?
Thanks Al Gore. Have you ever flown on an airplane? Then you're an idiot as well! Guess what asshat, they don't have cats either. Go crawl back into your liberal hole.
Everytime you drive your uncatalysed vehicle you are required to plant some marijuana to counteract your environmental impact :ph34r:
I have been around weed so much its surprising I don't get contact highs, but guess what. I don't.

I even know how to use the scale, etc. It's a joke, how many people smoke up in WA and how many work for people like me :) .