88 CRX DX Fuel Injection Problem

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Junior Member
Hey wasup peeps. I'm new to the board :cool: . I was wondering if you guys could help me. See heres the problem.

I have an 1988 CRX DX w/ exhaust and intake using the stock DPFI (Duel point fuel injection). The car starts fine in the morning and I can roll fine. Except, sometimes the car starts revving between 2000-3000 rpm (Or just stays at 3,000 rpm) w/o pressing the pedal. Hence, It revs when Im just sitting there. As it does that, I can smell gas fumes coming from my exhaust and black build up all over the inside (Im guessing its carbon forming from burning gas). Also when It revs I lose throttle control. For example, every time I press the pedal instead of making the car go it just stops it. Kinda of weird. I have posted on other boards, but I cant figure out the problem.

-I have replaced the O rings on the Fuel Injectors
-Cleaned out the Fuel system with Fuel Injector cleaner

Rarely, does it rev up to 3,000 rpm then back down and gives me a check engine light. But this problem is wasting 50 miles of gas mileage. If you can help I'd appreciate it greatly!

My Contact info:
AIM: NeophyteEQ
EMAIL: Fluffycabbage@tranceaddict.net

If your in the LBC area, I'd be happy to drive over there.