88 crx si

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Okay guys an update, i bought a 88 crx si with an oil leak from the head, i have since removed the head and i am getting it cleaned. my problem comes from the timing belt broke when i was taking the head off. Can some one tell me or point me to a guide to replace the timing belt? Thanks
yea i was reading that and thats how i got the head off but now my problem is the timing belt.
Andrew, where ya at?? i've never changed a timing belt or i'd try and help
here you go:


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i guess the head is okay cause i see no metal in my oil or on the head.... also any one know of how to get the pulley off thats in front of the timing belt?
hondas are known for the crank pulley being impossible to get off... if you have access to an oxy acetyline torch, and an air gun, heat the bolt until its cherry, pop an air gun on there and itll zip right out, theres some other suggestions youll find on here if you search around.. like putting the car in first gear and having someone stand on the brake pedal while you try and break the bolt loose with a breaker bar or a cheater bar. theres also a tool you can buy that helps you keep the pulley in check too, the link is around here somewhere. it all depends on what you have available to you
let me give you guys a little up date, i got it to stop spinning and now its just getting it off. lol air gun?