Americas most hated family

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well there message is true, but they contradicte them selfs all the time so yea there stupid
this family needs alot of fucking help...... someone call them a doctor
"We're servants of the Living God."

Nuff said.

Surprise-o-Meter. Not even a jump.

"Where's it in the bible to not be gay?"

"thou shalt not commit adultry."

"That's not being gay, that's cheating on someone."

They're views are so skewed it's ridiculous.

"Where's it in the bible to not be gay?"

"thou shalt not commit adultry."

"That's not being gay, that's cheating on someone."

They're views are so skewed it's ridiculous.
its in there, its says for man not to lay with another man
Yes, I know but I'm making the statement that she's quoting the wrong passage to make her point. She said it was in the commandments, it's not in the commandments.

It just makes her come off as an ignorant and uninformed hater doing Satans work instead of Gods.
Technically, if you don't believe in the legality or legitimacy of gay marriage, then technically the sexual acts of homosexuals would be between two unwed peoples and thus being adulterous.

It all depends on the definition of adultery that is cited.
Yes, I know but I'm making the statement that she's quoting the wrong passage to make her point. She said it was in the commandments, it's not in the commandments.

It just makes her come off as an ignorant and uninformed hater doing Satans work instead of Gods.
yea thats why i dont like them i undestand what there saying but she contradictes her self all the time and mix matches everthing to make it sound her way
i just watched all 7 episodes. and god damn, they are hands down the most demented people ever. and it all stems from one man. i feel bad for the rest of them really, they were all brainwashed since birth. except that one guy, hes just so much of a fucking idiot that he bought into it.

my favorite part:

"are the 3 minutes up yet?"
"you said 5 minutes"
"yea but weve talked for 2 already"
"right.. so there's 3 minutes left..."
its in there, its says for man not to lay with another man

and it says if he does he should be put to death, it's in the OT and the warm fuzzy christian idea that the OT Law's no longer apply were rebutted by Christ during the "Sermont on the Mount" - Passage Lookup: Matt 5:17-19

Christ also advocates the stoning of disobediant children and even took people to task on not doing it - Passage Lookup: Matthew 15:4;; - Passage Lookup: Mark 7:5-13;;
I had been taught that you would be judged in the end for your life? Basically for how you led you life would determine if you would be burned or not.

Like if someone made a bad mistake in life but basically became a saint later on, and led your life believing then you would not necessarily burn.
IF there is a god,

why would he care about us? i would be making all kinds of cooler worlds
it must be a smart mother fucker; so why make us so stupid?

The main reasoning behind disengaging my self from the "religious" aspect of this world is death. Too many great people/minds have died in the name if god, Allah, and what ever stupid fucking name for what ever it is you people think is out there.

I grew up a “Pentecostal”

Pentecostalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what ever

In the long run they just wanted my money.

10% + missions + expansion + donation + all my paycheck + my right nut + my wife’s income= BIG church

its all crap.:D
i would hate to be one of those non believers when i died just to find out its real and yup straight to hell
unfortunately to believe in Christianity as per the bible you must accept that

The book of Jeremiah was wrong about the new covenant
The Book of Daniel overstated the prophecy of the messiah
Livicatal Law is still in effect

I just left Christianity again based on the links I have posted above. No loving God would advocate the murder of your children just because their at odds end with you, he would not permit the enslavement of another of his children, yet these are all in the old laws that were re-enforced by Jesus.

I have seen many attempts by christians to deal with this stuff but it's always man made rationalities, and the bible itself tells you to turn away from that as well.

Christianity taken literally is no better then radical Islam, I do not believe god would act like that and I would never follow any God who did.