awsome thing happened

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start carrying a sledge hammer, just in case you get into an accident.
rofl. i was thinking that. pray he doesn't get in wreck w/ kids in car. 'hey junior, you're not bleeding enough for a big settlement from that sleazy lawyer i saw on tv'
hope he realizes he didn't have to wait to be keyed to do this. introduce your key to your car
my opinion has changed on karma and victimless crimes
you can hear the gears in his head turning
step 1: check insurance coverage (rental/property/health)
step 2: destruction
Oh, it's number 6 on Urban Dictionary, vote this bitch to the top!

Urban Dictionary: awsome

A misspelling of the word "awesome" that means the exact opposite. Filled with awful content. Usually when someone of sub-par intelligence makes a post that they claim is "awsome" the fact that they can't even spell the word should clue you in that it will not, in fact, be awesome.
Hey guys, this awsome thing happened, someone scratched my car, so I keyed every body panel and got a nice big insurance check to buy a flat screen with.
maybe better luck on encyclopedia dramatica

speaking of urban dictionary
anyone know reverse pony?
well he hasnt posted in a while.

btw we need a charlie sheen shirt that says “im not bi polar, im bi awsome"