B-7 = ?

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Thats right bitches. I lost 7 lbs last week :)
pissedoffdiet has returned.
just shy of 24 hours with out a cigarete too :)
who said you are a fuck up? as far as i can tell you have your shit together. you own your own home, you have a nice car and you make good money. you're doing much better than i am
There's a lot more to life than owning things. I've been lucky in that respect.

The rest of it, i am not so fortunate. and this is step one in turning my shit around ang getting my act together.
well, step 1 implies that you have goals, and a plan to achieve those goals

so whats the goals with what time line?
goal #1: Drop 25+lbs by late may.

i've been eating a lot better, a lot less.
i've been walking for 20 min at lunch.
i'm taking the stairs to my office on the 5th floor.
i did 100 crunches, 50 obliques, and 50 push ups last night.
i was planning to go for a run after work, but its raining now, so i might not.

Good job B, now stick with it. I've been doing the same thing down here. No more chew, working out 3 days a week, lifting 3 days a week, eating healthy, etc.

Sometimes it sucks, but if you stick with it, you'll be so happy with yourself!

Plus you'll live longer and living long pretty much kicks ass.
good for you B!! Just get into a routine and stick with it. Those days when youre like "ahh fuck it" just think, "well exercising/working out is only an hour of your day" shit, even if you dont plan to work out and all that, find interesting things to eat that are healthy, instead of the same ol shit day in and day out. time to hit up the internet for some low fat / low cal recipes.
:thumbsup: good job mang.. i need to do the same.. got to drop some lbs..
Dude good for you man.

I gained 15 after I lost 15 when I had mono. Now I'm fighting that 15 I gained, and it definitely wasn't muscle.

So now....It's run time bitches. I'm buying me some asics nimbus VII and going to start the 10 miler up the big hill next to my college 3 days a week.
Congrats! Fitness is addictive. If you're running it isn't about the pace, its more about the length of your run. Jogging slowly for 45 minutes will burn a lot more calories than a spirited 20 minute run. Try to be as active as possible and keep your heart rate up. Eat a bunch of small healthy meals and try not to eat late at night. Be sure you eat breakfast. HT has a pretty good health/fitness section now with a lot of good info. If you've got any questions shoot me a IM/PM anytime :thumbsup:
wway to get on it

you might remember Chris (doch22a4) was starting the HS weight loss challenge a while back...

well hes down from a 40 waist and XXL shirt to a 34 waist and a Large shirt, in just over 6months.
lost 50lbs in 6mo by cutting out fast food, eatin lots of clean protein, and workin out.

my ass just got on the train too, went to the gym today for the first time in 3months, gonna go every other day, got some whey protein from GNC, tastes like shit, but 50grams of protein in 16oz of water is pretty sweet.

congrats on the work so far
lol B, youve inspired us all. If the fat man can do it, so can we. :p after reading this thread i worked out haha. nothing strenuous, just some "get back into it" workouts. keep up the crunchs, but you should be up to 200ish total crunches. The main ones you want to do is the traditional crunch and the lower ab cruch (where you lie on your back, legs straight into the air and push them up using your abs, trying to get the bottom of your ass off the ground, but not your lowerback)

weird, i was talking with a friend on friday, and i told him that i need to get back into the gym. Couldnt go today because i had way to many errands to run. Starting tomarrow im going to work out M W F and play basketball T and TH, and sometimes after the workout. I dont like running, i HATE running, im not good at it, my lungs suck for running long distances (anything over 2 miles). Basketball and Biking for me. but ill usually start my workout with a 1/2 mile jog at a brisk pace.

Do i smell another HS diet/workout thread starting????
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