b16 Bogging, Help please

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Sounds like you have a lot to look at then. I suggest you do a test for head gasket leaking.

How much oil is it using?
ok thats more info I didn't know. Yeah it sounds like the head gasket and a little out of time.
i changed my oil 2 weeks ago and the dip stick was almost dry yesterday..and when it bogs i get horrible gas mileage so all my money goes to gas..since i have a 45min drive to work
So its gas.....oil...and coolant? If this is what is happening, you should probably re-build it or get another motor. It would be an official headache if all three things are causing issues!

What about the coolant levels? Is it using up the reserve coolant container too?

You are definitely loosing oil somehow. Leaking on the ground or is it all getting burnt through the cylinders?
sounds like the head gasket is blown between the oil port and cylinder
a slow leak on the ground..the coolant levels are fine...i hada compression test on it and all cylinders where 185-190..sooo im thinking i didn't hook something up right when i changed the head gasket..or maybe my maps is going out..and flooding me out?
I think the head needs to be machined after the first head gasket blew. He never said he took it to get checked. Maybe its all about the head gasket......
Well you said there was white smoke then that would be the head gasket leaking from the water port to the cylinder.

What kind of head gasket did you use?

I probably would take the head of and make sure the block and head is clean, clean most of the oil and antifreeze from the block so it won't interfear with the gasket. Then go get a head gasket from honda they are triple layer metal gaskets
kk, my local performance shop did the compression test and they said that ruled out my head as an issue...idk..they kinda seemed shady..and the smoke is whitish..i can't tell the difference between white or blue smoke Lol..so it may not my coolant or water, could be oil..idk..but ill have to find time =/ its my only car and i have to work =/ i didn't even take the throttle body off or take the head completely off..i just pulled it up and held it while my friend scrapped the top of the block and bottom of the head
well that could be a problem then if you just half assed doing the head gasket. Its not that hard to take it all the way off and it is a lot better that way you can make sure it is clean of debree and clean the fluids out of the way
yeah but it'll be at a machine shop for atleast a day or so..and should i take my valves out before taking the head to the machine shop? or will it be fine to live them in?
Leave the head complete.....Just take the Intake Manifold/hoses/connectors off too. No need to take anything off. Just have them check it and mill it if needed. New 3 layer gasket and see what it does. And make sure all torque setting and tightening sequences are followed.
valve guide? do i retorque after letting the car run for a few mins?? after changing the gasket..someone told me this a month or so ago..i never did that
Valve guides seal the valve inside the head from the combustion chamber. And yes you should re-torque it if you are using regular head bolts, If you are using head studs then you shouldn't have to. Head bolts shouldn't be re-used more than once or twice.
grr..yeah they're head bolts not studs..should i buy new ones now or think it'll be fine?..and the seal thats at the bottom of the valve inside the retainers?