b18c into ls teg

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OK, Im 17 years old i live in mississippi im swapping my motor from a b18b to a b18c im pretty sure i have all my parts in line. All i wanted to know is if there is anything that has to be torqued to a certain spec like engine mounts or anything like that. Also this is a little of the original subject but im in the process of buying a drag 3 gen turbo kit for my car, I've heard the LS tranny is a good tranny to keep for a turbo set up is this true? thanks
Originally posted by Mech@Jun 27 2003, 10:26 PM
Buy a haynes manual- tells every trq spec.
Keep your tranny for turbo.

if you can get a factory ACURA manual, it has more accurate specs on torque. You'd think the Haynes would have the same, but I've compared them and there is a range of difference of 3-5 ft/lb depending on which spec you are looking at :blink: