what is the best swap going into a 90 crx.lets say money flow is not a problem?it will be mostly a race veheicle but driven on da streets on weekeds.what would be the best na , the best turbo.
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Originally posted by jamiedude@Jan 27 2003, 08:18 PM
becuase i mean i would be quite embarassed to be beat at a stoplight by a grocery getting wagon
Originally posted by crxsoldado@Jan 23 2003, 08:19 PM
what is the best swap going into a 90 crx.lets say money flow is not a problem?it will be mostly a race veheicle but driven on da streets on weekeds.what would be the best na , the best turbo.
Originally posted by Trinity@Jan 28 2003, 04:22 PM
about why he would buy a rex if money didn't matter? because its the coolest car honda made, well besides the city.
Originally posted by JReconco@Jan 29 2003, 10:07 AM
Hi all!
Well let me ask this, if money WAS a issue and I only had $2K to shell out for the entire swap on a 90 or 91 crx (hf,si,?), what would you recommend I get?
Btw, this would be for a daily driver, (10k miles a year) I also like the idea of putting in a turbo in the long run.
Thanks, J
Originally posted by Trinity@Jan 28 2003, 03:22 PM
because its the coolest car honda made, well besides the city.