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Well shit, this was hella fun, but I think I need to get back to work. My boss probably doesn't want to pay me for this. :D
lol, word.
People can keep trying to take my title, and I need to keep showing these assholes who they are dealing with :p
:gives: about girls
I should :slap: , :bash: , :kick: all of you for posting :spam: all you :fr:
This thread was :owned: pages ago. and's it's been pretty :ghey: ever sincce.
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Apr 29 2003, 11:46 AM
lol, word.
People can keep trying to take my title, and I need to keep showing these assholes who they are dealing with :p

AHEM. i would like you to retract that last statement......

I AM THE OFFICIAL ASSHOLE OF THIS BOARD. you can be my co-asshole. :D
I was calling OTHER people assholes on the board.

Now, you are the official douchebag of Hondaswap.
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Apr 29 2003, 11:59 AM
I was calling OTHER people assholes on the board.

Now, you are the official douchebag of Hondaswap.

wellll so you were. funny, i have selective reading as well......
Well, I'm officially 999,999 times stupider then i was when I started this post, but I laughed my ass off.

I'm goin to work. I can't hang with you guys
haha, I think we used up the internet, I will have to do some hardcore searching to find some new ones. The only thing that was truely 0wn3d in this thread is 56k users, they never had a chance. :)