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DUDE! Your gettin a cell!
ok, i've only read the first page of this and i have a conclusion... to me, why kill the guy? it's the stupid bitch that made the choice to fuck around.

if she makes a move, put it in her butt and don't look back. if not, :shrug2: oh well.
Ok, from a girls perspective (and please no rude comments sent my way b/c I havent disrespected yall) I think you should let her be. Yeah she might be digging you but if she was into you as much as she is insisting, then she wouldn't have got married to begin with. I say if she'd do you, she'd probably do another, hense... DISEASE CITY. You might get a piece of ass if you went through with it but if your friends found out, you might lose some respect on the flip end.
Holy shit! this thread is still alive! :eek:

To the admin, Can i get some sort of prize, trophy, or certificate for giving birth to the longest thread ever?
hello and welcome to
"we got linked by a hottie"
32 pages if i remember correctly
that was never ending... and the worst part about it, she wasn't even all that hot :p
wasnt there 3 or 4 of them in there, along with a lot of the most random shit on earth