Do I Have The Right Hose?

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sup..i jus bought new radiator for my 91 Civic Si w/B16A..i wanna replace the lower radiator hose..i looked on web..and most sites tell me..get lower radiator hose off of 91 Integra..well i bought one..and it seems to big for the outlet on the this the right hose???if not which one do i use for a lower radiator hose for a B16A in a 91 Civic Si..keep in mind the radiator is stock..any help would be appreciated..
When I had my swap done, we didn't wanna mess with aftermarket or ill fitting hoses.

We cut the neck off a spare D series waterneck, and had it aluminum welded to the cut up waterneck from my b16a. Never had a flow problem, hell, it's all gotta go through the tiny ass thermostat anyway. :)
or, you do what i did, cut the D series hose off but leave it on the lower rad, then slide the integra hose over top ( its a bitch) and then tighten it down. mines never leaked and fits perfectly.
i ended up usin 92 GSR hoses..a little big on radiator end..but i tightened with some clamps..runs fine..havent had any probs..thanx for the help..