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Ok you ep3 guys how do you like your si's i am about to buy an '05 good? bad?? second of all whatwill it take to get over 200 to the wheels???
i have an '02 and i love it,pulls hard,vtec is great,shifter is weird at frist but comfortable, the only thing i don't like is the handling, alot of body roll!!! buy it you'll love that k-series,as far as 200 hp i don't know,i have a crx that i'm into right now so my wife drives the si and she won't let me touch it,but one day, one day when she gets something else it's going to be on!!! buuuuyyyy iiittttttt [bob]
just picked up my 03 today. Its a nice car. Fun to drive. I took a bit getting used to with the shifter but my best way to describe it is... comfortable.

test drive one. Thats all it took for me to drop the hammer