For The People Who Have Kids

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sometimes...I can't remember whjat it is at all

"uhh, what the hell is it called, the fuckin thing that goes in her mouth."

"The bah-bah?"

"No, the other thing."

"Her hand?"

"The little thing with a nipple on it"

"The nipple?"

"Forget it"

"It's a binky or pacifier you dumbass"
your son is fine as long as he's not gaining too much weight. they will take on weight really fast as newborns, so don't trip out.

my son took about 4 oz of milk every 3 hours and he's small. :) just keep on top of it and don't make him greedy.
as long as he's not eating fried chicken and drinking a 20oz of pepsi every other hour like on maury.

and yeah like everyone and yourself said, if hes had enough he'll just spit it out.

my nieces gained a lot of weight, but when they hit a certian age, like 8-9 months, they lost it really fast. i guess its because they start crawling and moving more than just drinking milk and shitting.
Yeah, he's actually been up and down lately as far as intake goes. he'll drink an ounce fall asleep, wake up 2 hours lately drink less than an ounce, go to sleep, then wake up 2 hours after that and scarf down 3 ounces lol he's shitting normal still so i'm sure everything is still all good :)