Forza Motorsport 4

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Ive seen similar ones on youtube. Pretty cool. Ive never even played with a wheel. That would be a crazy transition for me.
Attempting Ferrari Collector and Exclusive Taste achievements.. i had about 13.5 mil.. i nearly spent it all and this is what i'm left with .. i got some good deals on the expensive cars in the AH ..

now.. with another 10 mil from another person.. *cough* Rick "aka" double0si *cough* .. we could get both of these achievements fairly easily ..

Exclusive Taste:
Ferrari 250 TR
Aston DBR1

Ferrari Collector:
1957 Ferrari 250 California (3 Million Credits)
1957 250 TR (8 Million Credits)
2010 #83 F430 GT (1 Million Credits)
2010 #89 F430 GT (1 Million Credits)
1998 #12 Risi F333 (2.2 Million Credits)
2002 Enzo (1.3 Million Credits)
I've got about 13mil... :ph34r: Low cause I've been buying a lot of expensive cars. Haha Making about 500k every other day in the auction house since I'm not very diligent. You knew I had the $8mil P4 already!
Id be down if I knew we could get the money back cause I'm not really worried about achievements. Haha
THIS is why I "waste my time selling cars." :D

Admitting it doesnt always go for that much, but I usually get at least 100k/car for 45 seconds worth of work. A guy offered me 5 mil for the design unlocked. Probably coulda gotten him to double it but I didnt wanna sell anyway.
Damn. That's a lot of cash for that little of work. It'd take me all day to do that though haha
If you liked that, then youre going to love this one. Just some random design I came up with. (All the dark gray looking part is carbon fiber.)

Threw one in the auction house starting at $75k to see what it'd go for...

Needless to say, it was a great day in the auction house yesterday. :D
It takes some time to get something nice but once you do it really opens things up. For example I made that multi cam design a while ago. Made big money off it. That design was the base of my mossy oak design, even more money for a little work. Then I took a while and made that Summit Pro stock car and of course made a shit ton off it. Very tedious work getting all those sponsor decals right but now I can put them on anything.

And as you see it helps nice looking schemes look 10x better which translates to 10x more cash. Haha With those decals I've made a few different drag cars from the big 3 and they all sell well. That's another thing, make designs for popular cars people really like and seek out. Like they released the Veloster pack yesterday so I quickly transferred my 350Z design to it because I know people will be looking for designs to slap on it for a bit. Might as well cash in on it quick.
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Damn that's a nice looking Z. You must not have to race much for cash :p

I like the drag racing portion of this game. I'd probably buy it but I didnt bring my 360 to school and they don't make it for PC :(
Thanks. No I really dont. lol I buy mod and paint more cars than anything else. I have more driving time in the test and tune mode than actually racing. Probably more than 5x as much. :eek:

I just like messing with them a lot. A lot of times I buy a car, mod and paint it how I like it, test drive it for a bit then almost never touch it again. I'm more of a collector I guess. :lol: I sell cars to fund my expensive habit. Certain cars though get a lot more seat time than others.

I enjoy drag cars as thats what I grew up doing, but the system of drag racing Forza made is stupid. You cant even race the computer anymore and I barely race online ever. Only time I get to do it is in test and tune, and that sucks balls cause you cant set up your launch as its a load and immediately go kind of deal. And on top of that unless you're AWD, anything over 200hp and you spin the wheels like a mofo even with slicks. They need to make it to where you can burnout, stage, and launch off the tree (while hooking up). I thought this was supposed to be a simulation game, right? I know theyre not geared as much towards the drag community, but damn, if youre going to do it do it right. They made concessions for the drift community...
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I usually just raced the computer in a quick race (not in the career) to see what my car actually would run if it had been staged properly.

As far as the traction issues, I do agree. It became quite annoying trying to get a 700-800whp RWD car to go in a damn straight line. I'd play with the gearing, but then the car would just bog. It's like there's a switch, bog the tires, or spin like a sonofabitch.
What? I raced the computer in a drag race. In arcade mode or whatever, then you just select the car from your career garage