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there is some "documentary" about peak oil... i forget what its called, but apparently we've already peaked and are starting the decline.
I'd contend that we'll see the end of oil as a major fuel for transportation in our lifetime. It'll still be pulled out of the ground, refined, and used, but it won't be close to being economical to use to fuel your H2 or your Civic DX. We're definitely past the top of the "curve" already.

You can come find this thread in 30 years and Paypal me my winnings. :lol:
i'll be working from home soon enough, so i could care less about running out of oil :D

i'll walk to the stores about a mile away if i have to :D
pissedoffsol said:
i'll be working from home soon enough, so i could care less about running out of oil :D

i'll walk to the stores about a mile away if i have to :D
So, without oil - how will the food and other groceries make it to the store? :)

I could care less either way. we wont ever run out of fuel. thats just damn silly to say. Fuel may become a luxury item for the rich and famous some day.. but until then, who gives a crap? seriously.

If we run out of gas as a conventional means of transportation, another means will come about.. Its not like one day we'll run out of gas and be like.. "oh fuck!"
we can not, i repeat CAN NOT! run out of oil... it is imposible
as we run out of easily obtainable oil, we will devise more complex ways of getting it out of the ground
this new more complex way will cost more money
so the price for every gallon of oil that comes out of the ground will cost more money as well

(during this trend more efficient gasoline engines will be popping up everywhere as well as alternative fueled engines be it alcahol, hydrogen, electricity, etc... slowly the alternatively fueled vehicles will become the norm)

this trend will continue untill the price of getting oil out of the ground is not worth the energy you will get from it and pretty much no one will pay for it any more
thus the final ammounts of oil will always remain in the ground because the cost of getting them out is not worth it

so you see there will ALWAYS be oil becuase its simply not cost effective to use up ALL of it
We won't run out of oil anytime soon, sure prices my skyrocket, but we'll still be able to barrell down our highways at 90 mph getting 5 mpg in our giant SUVs.

Alberta has enough oil sands to last us at least the next century, not to mention if the environmentalist psycho paths ever shut the hell up so we can drill Alaska and in various parts of the continental US.

Oil Sands
dohcvtec_accord said:
It will be when ground beef costs $10 a pound and orange juice is $15/gallon. ;)

good thing i don't eat much of either....

beef sucks.
oj gives me heartburn.
Beef sucks?? What? JDM diet??

Nothing like a perfectly cooked Ribeye.. Or a nice fat t-bone. MmmMMmmmmm... :drool:
i'm not big on red meat. i'd choose chicken or pork over beef any day.

it's not a diet thing, or health thing, i just don't think the taste is all that...
i've seen that,... its hilarious.. talkin about big ass trucks and shit... ahahahahah.. its soo true. .. those things try and race me too.. ahahahah