Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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Werd. I'll go through my phases, using all assault, using all silencers, using all LMGs, etc. You gotta mix it up and it won't get boring.
more chances you get kill streaks with silenced weapons. i use UMP45 silenced with stopping power (for extra damage because of silencer) i get a excellent K/D ratio but when i switch to FMJ my K/D goes way down.
i dunno.. i've just been a fan of silenced weapons lately

I didn't notice you joined that game on quarry until I went to leave... all those asshats had modded controllers... and lag switches. I got tired of shooting people and then dying. lol
more chances you get kill streaks with silenced weapons. i use UMP45 silenced with stopping power (for extra damage because of silencer) i get a excellent K/D ratio but when i switch to FMJ my K/D goes way down.

The silencer doesn't effect the gun's power, only the range...
it doesn't show, but it does affect power as well, use fmj and a silencer then try to shoot someone through a wall. you'll notice a difference.
i shoot through walls w/ the silencer and no fmj .. but i use it on the m16, ak47, and scar-h
it doesn't show, but it does affect power as well, use fmj and a silencer then try to shoot someone through a wall. you'll notice a difference.

It depends on the gun. SMGs, pistols, and machine pistols have no base damage reduction when silenced. These are really the best guns to use silencers with. The range is only cut down a little bit with the silencer, and since the weapons are designed for CQC anyway, that's really a non-concern.

Assault Rifles don't lose any base damage with silencers either, but the range is gimped considerably. Shotguns also don't lose any damage, but the range is gimped to the point where most of them are difficult to use (aside from the Stryker maybe).

LMGs get a 10 point reduction in base damage. That's not really enough to make a big difference in how fast the gun can kill. The only set of weapons that are really effected are the sniper rifles. The damage goes from 70 to 50, so silenced SRs are no longer a OHK without Stopping Power...
My point was that silencers reduce damage on any gun, especially shooting through a surface and if someone has painkiller activated on a respawn. I haven't even played since Sunday honestly. Been too involved in Battlestations Pacific lately. There's something about lobbing 14 inch shells at a carrier with the USS South Dakota or sending a destroyer to the bottom with the USS Nautilus using torpedoes that just makes me all happy inside right now.
My point was that silencers reduce damage on any gun, especially shooting through a surface and if someone has painkiller activated on a respawn.

But they don't though. Like I said, the LMGs lose a tiny bit of damage, and sniper rifles lose 20 points of damage (which is why the won't OHK silenced). The silencer doesn't reduce damage on anything else though, just range.

When I say that range is reduced though, I mean damage over range. It's not like the bullet just dissapears at a certain distance. So I guess you could argue that the "damage" is reduced on every gun. The base amount of damage on most guns isn't effected though.

I haven't actually seen any data on how silencers & FMJ interact, so I guess I'll have to talk your word for that...
But they don't though. Like I said, the LMGs lose a tiny bit of damage, and sniper rifles lose 20 points of damage (which is why the won't OHK silenced). The silencer doesn't reduce damage on anything else though, just range.

When I say that range is reduced though, I mean damage over range. It's not like the bullet just dissapears at a certain distance. So I guess you could argue that the "damage" is reduced on every gun. The base amount of damage on most guns isn't effected though.

I haven't actually seen any data on how silencers & FMJ interact, so I guess I'll have to talk your word for that...

reduced damage over range isn't reducing damage? you said no, but yes at the same time...
reduced damage over range isn't reducing damage? you said no, but yes at the same time...

If you asked me, I would say no. I was just saying that you could make an argument that it does. I guess it depends on how damage over range works. As I understand it, all the weapons have an effective range (i.e. the point at which the damage becomes less). The silencer gimps that effective range (as opposed to actually reducing the damage). In my mind that's not reduced damage, that's reduced range.

Here, illustration:

Un-silenced gun effective range:


Silenced gun effective range:


If the damage remains the same on both, then I don't really see that as a reduction of damge. It's a reduction of effective range. Does that make sense?
I would just like to interject i finally got my "Heads Up" achievement. i never thought id get it.

--- If you want to read about how i got it continue reading ----

I was kinda sucking that game and the other team had this killer sniper that was running all over the place and killing me left and right but Apparently we were in the lead (no help from me). I crouched in a corner and threw out a care package grenade when Suddenly out of no where this sniper pops up in the door way and instantly lets a shot ring from his intervention nailing me in the body! My screens goes red and my soldiers breathing intensifies. I start to bring up the iron sights on my sluggish RPD, even though I know at this point i'm a dead man. His next shot is coming, I can feel it in me .... and BAM! I see a crate come flying from the side rolling in to bring me the game winning kill and the glory!
That is pretty much how I got mine. I threw out two markers, got killed. The guy was stealing the first one when the second one dropped on his head for the final kill of the match
I got the other challenge with the crate by accident as well. unless you play a lot of one on one that's the only way to get them.
I got mine on Underpass. It was a FFA and I was looking for a spot to put down my care package, so I went to the drainage ditch that cuts threw the center of the map and just chucked the marker. At the same time two guys came in from the other side and put down a tac insert (to boost I assume). I killed one with my gun and the care package fell on the other, lol...
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