Getting my life together.

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Well moving my fingers is better than sitting on the couch eating all day.


So I havent heard shit back from my old boss. I need to get motivated and find something.

so you made one call and sat around expecting that to happen?

you fucktard. hit and find a fucking job you lazy puss.

Remember what steve just said about moving one finger???? well, thats all you did. you did nothing better than moving one finger. and when the 500 lbs didn't fall off in a single 30 minute workout you gave up.

you are person "a" for life.... :thumbsdown:
I have a stack of applications thick as a phonebook. There has to be one winner in the stack.
Deliver pizza. Easy job, usually great money for what it is (better than 99% of retardedly easy to get slacker jobs).. I worked for domino's for a few months last year because I was between jobs.. I made at least $13.00 an hour all the time, sometimes $20+ and I live in a small town. Its a great slacker job.. Pick up pizza, drive it to someone's house while jamming to your favorite tunes.. Rinse/repeat. profit!

Fuck yeah man. On an average friday night I'd be making between 15-18 an hour. I've been seriously considering getting back into delivering.
you need a resume... not applications.

you want a real job, get a resume. you want to flip burgers, get applications.
you need a resume... not applications.

Werd, not only does it make you look more professional, it makes it look like your willing to put effort into you endevors. Also, itll open up a lot of windows for you. The company Im at doesnt have applications. You hafta bring a resume to us.
Werd, not only does it make you look more professional, it makes it look like your willing to put effort into you endevors. Also, itll open up a lot of windows for you. The company Im at doesnt have applications. You hafta bring a resume to us.

90% of companies don't have applications. they are a simple format for a/s/l and ssn.
^ True story.

EF, apps are better than sittin on the couch, your right. But youve exercised that finger long enough, time to wave your arm.
^ But youve exercised that finger long enough, time to wave your arm.

No, it's time to get your fucking ass off the couch and hit the treadmill.

learn how to do a resume, get some motivation, and get a job. hell, the best job you can get right now is probably costco. they pay amazingly well for simple work $15+/hr. full benefits and a retirement plan.

you gotta move your feet.oh, and get a haircut, shave, and put on some slacks and a button up.
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I guess you didnt catch on to what I was tryin to say.
no, i caught it. i just thought you were a little too nice. i fixed it to make more sense. ^_^
The hell ? I've NEVER seen a costco pay that.
costco pays the people who work in the food stand $14-$17hr.

i've seen the pay stubs. and that was 3 years ago. i'm sure it's more now.
costco pays the people who work in the food stand $14-$17hr.

i've seen the pay stubs. and that was 3 years ago. i'm sure it's more now.

my fiance worked at Costco for 4.5 yrs.. they start at $10/ hour.. every 800 hrs you get a raise.. after 5 yrs you get a $1500 bonus every 6 months making $20/ hour as cashier.. food court tops out at $15-17/hr
I dont have shit to put in a resume, Ill take whatever I can at this point anything to get me working out of my slump.
For a lot of places its not whats in the resume, its the fact that you can make one, and are willing to do so.
Didnt think it was really appropriate to include a resume when applying for a pizza driver or aquarium store. I dont have the qaulifications to even apply at a place that would require a resume. :dunno: