got my swap!

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ok heres the deal. i just picked up a ls longblock and i'm going to drop it in when i get the rest of the parts. my question is about the head. i was thinking an itr would be best for the power and valve train ect. but i heard that i shuold just get the b16a head? whats the deal? if someone could give me some details it would help.

what kind of power will each make?

thanks for any help
well, first, what car do you drive, or atleast, what year is it? Also, read the articles about LS/CRV-VTECs first. Next read the article about how much power will be made.

If you have a pre OBD, then I would go with a b16a1 head, if your a OBD1, go with the b16, if your an OBD2er, you have your options.
planning to do aftermarket cams and such??? if so then dont waste your money on an ITR head

ITR heads are the same casting as a B16 head they just come with a mild PnP, a more agressive valvetrain and cams
yeah i've read it but i'll check again. the car is a 92 dx hb and if course its obd1 so maybe the b16 would be better since i will upgrade everything.

thanks for the help, anymore is always good