H22 Swap in a CL

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I have a 99 2.3CL and am in the process of swaping the engine and tranny I am throwing the auto for a m/t and I would like to know whether if the shift linkage from a 94 prelude would fit in my CL. I am also thinking about going turbo instead of N/A do you think that is a good choice? Is it possible to do both w/o blowing the engine, predetonation?
Originally posted by TypeS4Speed@Dec 29 2002, 05:40 PM
Is it possible to do both w/o blowing the engine, predetonation?

what exactly are you asking here?????? :blink:
"N/A heightens compression" doesn't make much sense. If you mean "Running N/A usually means you want to run high compression" I'd agree with you.

You're swapping a JDM H22 in there? If so, it runs a 10.6:1 compression ratio, which isn't very conducive to boost. I'd say you could safely run a few pounds of boost. Also contributing to this is the assumption that you're swapping an OBD2 H22 in there, which is an open deck block. You wouldn't want to run more than a few pounds of boost on that anyway.

So I think what I'm saying is, if you want to boost it, you've got alot of work ahead of you.