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my buddy is planing on swapping a B18B1 into his 94 dx hatchback.. we were wondering if u need the HASport mount kit for it to work? or can we just swap it in with some creativity? thanks in advance.
A B18B1 will drop in using the B's motor mounts.For the 5th gen Hasport offers only two replacment mounts that are not nescessary for the swap,just nice replacments.For the early B's they offer a complete kit w/cable to hydraulic conversion.
it really isnt worth it to cut corner, swaping a motor is a little harder then you may expect. it is worth it to spent a little extra money and get everything exactly right.
What corner is being cut by using the stock mounts? Using all Integra mounts or all SiR mounts, the engine will fit DIRECTLY into the engines. There is no extra money to be spent except if the engine itself didn't come with mounts, then just the price of OEM mounts.
the only reason to do a swap of the mounts is if your old ones are worn out (if u have wheel hop now). they new series they have look nice, otherwise you could always shoot some liquid nails into the ones you have to make them a little more solid.
Originally posted by flydelsolsi@Jan 6 2003, 02:48 PM
they new series they have look nice, otherwise you could always shoot some liquid nails into the ones you have to make them a little more solid.

liquid nails? I'm curious.i've never heard of it.
yea, it works too. when i redid the engine on my daytona i filled in the motor mounts and worked great. thats only if u want them more solid of course.