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The bottle was wrapped in a condom with the top on, I wouldn't use an object to intentionally hurt a girl.
i still don't really understand how this struck you as a good idea
sounds kinda disgusting to me

I know someone will call me out on the text message. I just don't want to give up her phone number and giving up mine online probably wouldn't be the best idea either, so I'm not so sure about forwarding that shit.
just take a pic of the message on your phone
i still don't really understand how this struck you as a good idea
sounds kinda disgusting to me

just take a pic of the message on your phone

1) Objects are hot in my book.

2) I'll see about taking a picture of the message, if its that big of deal. :)
B thinks condoms are for batting around in the air like a beach ball at concerts
second condom I used broke...screwed a chick in the dessert, wanker fell out, hit the sand...and I stuck it back in...condom goes boom...chick goes crazy..... :o :eek: :o :eek: :o :eek: :o :eek: :p ^_^

never used them again unless I knew the skank had something...:ph34r:
In recent news, since I refuse to get tested, I think my dick is clean by association.

When that girl, who said the literally tore me up thing, went to the obgyn she was tested since I hit it bareback once and she came back clean.

Its not 100% that, that means I don't have anything, but I'm going with clean dick by association. hoooray.
all those poor girls.

bam, herpes is going to turn into, Bam AIDS before you know it.

I rubber up with any randoms.

The ex was bareback, this girl that went to the obgyn I was "seeing", i.e., fucking for an extended period of time, and I hit it bareback once. Other then that, the only time I ever went without a rubber was when I was waaaaay younger and had sex for the first couple times - but at that age, with people who were my age, it was definitely clean.
<----125+ chicks...tested clean....:ph34r:

I'm not that high yet. I think if I do get to 100, I'll settle down with number ~~100. :ph34r:

I'm not quite sure where I'm at now because of blacked out nights and a lack of tracking or caring about the number, but I have a general idea.
Horny Thirteen ?

I think your thread is a few spots down....
We've been over this. My last name is Hornacek, I've been called Horny since I was in 4th grade. 13 is my favorite number. The screenname is old, before I really understood what it meant. I do get random IMs occassionally, but I direct those sick fucks to my profile that shows I'm a dude and in college.
<----125+ chicks...tested clean....:ph34r:
Damn bro. I'm no where near there, fucking relationships. But since the break-up in Jan, 2 victims while still tapping the ex every now and then. I still probably wont let it get that high though.
I'm not that high yet. I think if I do get to 100, I'll settle down with number ~~100. :ph34r:

I'm not quite sure where I'm at now because of blacked out nights and a lack of tracking or caring about the number, but I have a general idea.
Dam I guess I'm the only ho on here, I can honestly say I'm pass that number. I remember when I first got to Korea I was so bored the first day on post I tried to make a list of all the females I've been with. Got to 71 and then I could remember faces but not names and that was 4 years ago.
Dam I guess I'm the only ho on here, I can honestly say I'm pass that number. I remember when I first got to Korea I was so bored the first day on post I tried to make a list of all the females I've been with. Got to 71 and then I could remember faces but not names and that was 4 years ago.

How old are you?

How many women did you have sex with when you were stationed?

I'm only 21 and was in a relationship for nearly 4years.

I have some friends that are way up there, but they're a bit older.

I'll probably settle down far before I get to 100. Whenever I'm here at college, the loving doesn't flow like it does back home. This school is all academics and no social life, had I went to a big university then I could see myself racking up the number far greater.
fucking whores, all of you.


Yes I am a slut. I know this. I just can't help it.

How old are you?

How many women did you have sex with when you were stationed?

I'm only 21 and was in a relationship for nearly 4years.

I have some friends that are way up there, but they're a bit older.

I'll probably settle down far before I get to 100. Whenever I'm here at college, the loving doesn't flow like it does back home. This school is all academics and no social life, had I went to a big university then I could see myself racking up the number far greater.

When I was stationed where?

I'm only 23 but 1, I started early, on my tenth b-day to be exact, and 2 i've been around the world 3 times, so I've been very busy.

Longest relationship was 2 years. Like I said ealier, I'd be the one that had many girls bujt wanted to settle down but then I'd settle down for a lil bit get bored, and then get the girl to break up with me. In all my relationships I've only out right break up with one girl, I've always gotten them to break up with me and then they end up feeling bad after and I use that to my advantage, and be like well we can still be friends w/benefits. So now my baby momma is pissed off most of the time, cause she's like how is it that you're still friends with all your ex's
I understand the starting early thing, the first few times I have sex <at an age that should not even be posted on these boards or spoken of> I don't even count. I started counting at age 16, reasoning that at that age I was finally completely conscious of what I was doing and the ramifications of my actions.

In terms of making girlfriends break up with you, I do the same thing but for different reasons. I push girls away, so I don't have to feel guilty about breaking up with them. I don't want to have to be the bad guy; the guy who calls it quits, gives up, and moves on. I prefer that girls break up with me.
I understand the starting early thing, the first few times I have sex <at an age that should not even be posted on these boards or spoken of> I don't even count. I started counting at age 16, reasoning that at that age I was finally completely conscious of what I was doing and the ramifications of my actions.

In terms of making girlfriends break up with you, I do the same thing but for different reasons. I push girls away, so I don't have to feel guilty about breaking up with them. I don't want to have to be the bad guy; the guy who calls it quits, gives up, and moves on. I prefer that girls break up with me.
That's y I'm ThatGuy, not the bad guy lol ;)