I Blew Up At Work

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Originally posted by jeff@Jan 9 2003, 10:15 PM
I work at a paint store, I have learned a lot of self control not to blow up on soccer moms. "What color looks good with this?" What I want to say is I don't fucking care which looks better, pick one and get the fuck out of my store. I still refuse to pick out peoples colors. I work alone alot, it sucks when customers are taking forever looking at paint samples. I really hate it when I need a smoke but I can't becuase some cunt won't leave my store. Time to find a new job. MGMT sucks.

Just tell them white, white goes with everything.

I could never do the tech support thing. i am halfway smart at computors but me trying to teach makes me more dumb, just wonder how they feel. Anytime someone does not know something that i do, i think they are dumb as hell, when they know more than me, they are fucking genious (what a word to sp wrong(
i'm a maneger at mcdonalds, alli do it deal with food, money, and customers. just yesterday, a guy comes in,
'does the grill chicken flatbread have mayo on it?'
'no it does not sir' so he orders it, and alls good. coms back 2 mins later..
'i was told there was no fucking mayo on this, i cant stand fucing mayo!'
'there is no mayo on that sick'
'what the fuck isthis white stuff then?'
'its a dressing, with NO mayo in it'
'well fuck you, i want my fucking money back, mother fucker'
'ok sir, blah blah blah'

the whole timehe was shaking mad and looked like he wa about to reach across te counter and strange me.

we get our share of funny pple as well.. about a week before halloween, 2 grown men decide to come in with their costumes on *mentally retarded*, which resulted in one kicking th other in the ass to get him to come up to the counter. hard to explain, but funny as hell!
damn! that sucks. i was at a mcdonalds once and this homeless lady was yelling that there was acid in her sandwich. she was yelling at the cashier and the manager. they told her to leave or they'd call the cops.

BTW, its great to know im not the only one who gets the urge to go ballistic at work sometimes :D great stories u guys!

jeff: i work right next door to a paint store. nothing but soccer moms go in there..and a few painters. some of those soccer moms are hot tho! :)
we get all kinda of homeless pple and drug addicts.. this one lady *meth head* decided to cuss out the store maneger because her order was wrong *which she never ordered* so he said 'get the fuck outta my store before i call the police' kinda funny, but oh well

we share a lot with a checks chashed place, and 2 pple decided to try to rob them *the cashiers or whatever they are, are behind a bulletproof glass window and wall, and there is a little 'coin dip' in the counter where they give money and such . needless to say, the got caught and we had cops all oer our parkingot for about 3 hours.
Tech support would kill me. I just couldn't deal with people who have no common sense.

I'm very fortunate that i have one of the best jobs i can think of for a college student. Valet. I stand around and drive peoples cars. Its amazingly simple! Being a manager, i dont really have to drive any cars i dont want to either, kind of get my pick. Only problem...watching people drive can get to you. Im called the "angriest valet" because i just can't stand peoples driving anymore. Think of how angry you get when someone does something stupid on the road, now amplify that by 10,000 at least. But i still love my job, not many can say they've driven what i have.


Originally posted by Distorted@Jan 10 2003, 02:01 AM
Tech support would kill me. I just couldn't deal with people who have no common sense.

I'm very fortunate that i have one of the best jobs i can think of for a college student. Valet. I stand around and drive peoples cars. Its amazingly simple! Being a manager, i dont really have to drive any cars i dont want to either, kind of get my pick. Only problem...watching people drive can get to you. Im called the "angriest valet" because i just can't stand peoples driving anymore. Think of how angry you get when someone does something stupid on the road, now amplify that by 10,000 at least. But i still love my job, not many can say they've driven what i have.



i want your job!!!

gabe- we get a bunch or milfs that come through, they *and their daughters* are what makes my job fun!
dude thats crazy! :o i used to work at a dominoes that got robbed late on e night. the guy had a gun and pointed it at the manager who was pregnant at the time. i wasnt there, but heard about it.
sorry your day sucked, work sucks in general, I had to do actually work today, and it was shitty. I interview people for medical studies. I went to this one ladies house today to interview her, and her house was the most disgusting smelling house i have ever been in. She had like 12 cats and like 6 dogs and it smelled like she has never washed her carpets or anything, it was foul. Beleive it or not this lady is married and considering having a child. Any way my co-worker and I decided to disqualify her from the study on the basis that we did not want to go back to her house for a follow up.
damn. that is gross! sorry u had to go through that. all these horror stories make mine sound :ghey: :)
and i hope to god she doesnt have any kids!
i work in the most ghetto ass place in the world selling cell phones! can guess where i m?
Originally posted by 92CivicCx@Jan 10 2003, 11:17 AM
i work in the most ghetto ass place in the world selling cell phones! can guess where i m?

You're not one of those guy's in the mall are you?
I just want to punch them in the face every time they are like "hey hey, let me holla at you for a minute."

I'm like. dude I already have a cell phone, who the fuck doesn't? My grandma has a cell phone.
close.. im in walmart! i never ask peopel if they want a fone cuz people hate it. i ingnore most people and they kinds feel more willing to buy shit when you ack if you really dont mind that there just looking and you then pitch em and close before they know it,
damn, I just got out of mcdonalds. Finally quit because i moved back to st. louis w/ my dad. The worst thing I ever had to do was clean up shit....well some of it. One night an old lady w/ oldtimers (cant spell the real disease) came in and shit all over our bathroom. Well I was cleaning our lobby at the time so guess who has to go clean that shit....until another lady (who was with the oldtimers lady) recognized my coworker and they started talking so she ended up cleaning up all the shit...go me! Then my last day someone left a floater and the toilet overflowed all over our whole bathroom. I almost had to clean it cept the manager on duty was my friend and I told him that if he made me clean that shit i would walk out...it was my last day and they couldn't do shit...so he had another guy do it...again go me....now im bout to get a job at Bed Bath and Beyond. My Dad's good friend is a manager so I got the hook up. All they do is toke up and fold towels and shit......cant wait.
Originally posted by Hexen@Jan 10 2003, 10:27 AM
I'm like. dude I already have a cell phone, who the fuck doesn't? My grandma has a cell phone.

i don't have a cell phone... :P
i worked at a drug store and the samething happened.... a old lady was walking into our store and she made it half way to the bathroom with her walker before she went on the floor.... she kept going while she was going she made to the bathroom which is next to the breakroom and was crapping all over the place. it was the nasties thing i ever had to clean up. i puked like 5 times. my boss put me down for extra hours the week cuz i cleaned that shit up
dang those are some crazy ass stories. i'm glad i dont have a job where i have to deal with customers. i work in a medical lab. i work with blood plasma.