Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

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Glad to see you're moving along nicely. Keep your head up. I wish I had a lot of the advise given in this thread when my long term relationship ended. I would've transitioned easier.
Just wait until she tells you she's pregnant and tries to get you back.

That happens to everyone else, right? right??
One of my exes did that. our relationship was well on the way out the door, she saw that i was seriously not coming back (exploring other options), and she pulled the whole "We need to talk! I'm pregnant...". I was immediately skeptical, told her to send me a pic of the positive test. no response for an hour... then she texts me with an obviously faked test (she drew the line with a pen). I laughed at her and told her to fuck off.
Glad to see you're moving along nicely. Keep your head up. I wish I had a lot of the advise given in this thread when my long term relationship ended. I would've transitioned easier.

Thanks man. Yes, this thread has lots of excellent advice, thanks everyone, it has helped. Even just venting about it helps. Its a crazy time for me right now, shes 100% gone thursday, they house is a disaster right now. Today i finished getting all the bills switched over, paying deposits and shit. Got my buddy moving in this weekend. Just found out i might have to work sunday in addition to saturday that i normally work. Started talking to this other chick, just by chance. Thinking about going on a date with her this weeked since new chick #1 will be out of town anyways. two months ago, i couldnt have imagined any of this!
Yeah man, I keep a pseudo journal and its super helpful. I'll write out my thoughts on a scratch pad, all my problems, and emotions I'm dealing with. Read it when I'm done. Then delete it. Just getting it out, is everything. Helps process your thoughts a ton.
I did the journal thing for a while. I found i only wrote it in when i was utterly in the dumps, and re-reading it just made me feel like shit all over again. I have trouble deleting things. I'm an e-hoarder. my gmail is ridiculous.

Glad to hear things are starting to turn around in your favor though. don't worry about working or moving people in, that's there problem. Give 'em a key and tell them you'll help unpack after work.
Fuckin A, ive made it full circle on this.... got laid last night (and this morning), first new vagina in 8 years lol. So things are looking up in general, my new roommate is cool so far, doing ok with the women, super shredded from all the gym time. Really the only thing is that i really do miss those dogs any time im around the house. I miss the ex a little bit, but not as much as i thought. Im more excited about new women i think lol.
Did you cry when you felt your first new vagina in 8 years? Was she concerned? Did you take the duct tape off of her mouth long enough for her to say no?

Hahaha! So umm no tears, she was pretty understanding of the situation, and i left the duct tape on.

Sad fact, round 1 didnt last long... i was like a 15 year old with his first taste of pussy lol
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Sad fact, round 1 didnt last long...

That's what this is for...
Love triggers a rush of endorphins, which will make you feel really great, unless things end and you are left feeling even worse than when you started.
Don't catch feelings.
Don't catch feelings.


Remember what I said in my first post in this thread. You have love for a person. Any person. You still want to give out love. Don't forget that. Just because you boned this girl, you don't love her yet. You barely even know her. Keep it casual for quite a while. Emotions for someone who is a rebound never works out well, for either of you.
Hahaha! So umm no tears, she was pretty understanding of the situation, and i left the duct tape on.

Sad fact, round 1 didnt last long... i was like a 15 year old with his first taste of pussy lol

Good for you. Did you let her know that it had been eight years since your last new pussy because you JUST GOT OUT OF PRISON?
Yeah shes knows the situation, and she just got divorced like 6 months ago. And yeah, not catching feelings is good advice. I wont.
She's no Pissedoffsol but she's not bad at all.

Good job now hit it again but before your load give way, pull out and rub/lick that hole until you can get a few more thrust in than rub/lick/finger/fist again than get back in again. Wear it out. Turn that pussy from a nice slit into a dickspickle car. In other words destroy/wreck that shit and post 372748 pictures of it.