i just got owned

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Honorary Honda Driver
well i just got super owned here at my own house. my buddies and i are alwayz playing pranks on each other. well they just got me good. they bought like 4 or 5 bags of glitter/confety (spelling?) and dumped it all inside the hatchie. ohh my gosh there was so much glitter and crap in there. tons of it. i should've took some pics before i drove it to the car wash and vacuumed it out. as i was driving down the street glitter and crap wa just flying out of my windows. ahh man it sucked. and i still haven't even gotten it all out yet. well anywayz, i need idea for payback.

these are the limitations:
Can't be permanent.
Can't destroy property.
and thats about it.
I can only think of a few at the moment:

1.) Hide something that smells absolutely nasty in their car/house/apartment.
2.) get a metal trash can, fill it with water, lean it against their front door to their home, knock on the door and run away.
3.) take a trimmer/sciscors and cut a chunk of hair out of their head, that way they will look dumb if they dont get it cut all off.
4.) take their keys and lock their own keys in their car.
5.) put a rainbow bumper-sticker on their car or wheel.

I can't think of anything else right now.
Originally posted by Iron 1@May 5 2005, 10:02 PM
fill there's with styrofoam peanuts??
[post=495725]Quoted post[/post]​

I like this idea, it's a proportional response... even though glitter is a bit harder to clean up than peanuts.
Originally posted by 2000Si+May 5 2005, 10:24 PM-->
@May 5 2005, 10:02 PM
fill there's with styrofoam peanuts??
[post=495725]Quoted post[/post]​

I like this idea, it's a proportional response... even though glitter is a bit harder to clean up than peanuts.
[post=495733]Quoted post[/post]​

unless i take the time to rip the styrofoam into small itty bitty pieces.
Originally posted by Iron 1@May 5 2005, 10:50 PM
don't rip, either blend, or shred...
[post=495755]Quoted post[/post]​

good idea. shredded paper. all of the offices in my shop shred paper like it's going out of style. whooo hoooo. i think i might have an idea
pull up the carpet in the trunk of whoevers car and break some eggs and pour the yokes under the carpet.
hell yeah, or just put a fish under their spare tire, under their dash, and under the seats. cuz that way theyll find the one under the seat and think they got the only one in there. heh
im telling you man
spork their lawn
you + a few friends + about 1000 sporks + their lawn = ultimate "harmless" prank

im not a big fan of fucking with peoples cars
I read about this in Maxim.....

If the person or people have a desk, or hell their glove compartment would work, take a can of shaving cream and freeze it overnight. The next day use a can-opener on it and take the top off. Then shove it in their glove compartment/desk, under their car-seats, wherever. As it defrosts it will expand like crazy and fill anything up.

Just think about how much a tiny bit expands in your hand. If you put like a can under each car seat and one in the glove compartment their car would be pretty damn full. It wouldn't damage anything either. I would get unscented, hypoallergenic just to be safe. They could just scoop it out or something later. You could like freeze the cans one night, then put them in their car the next night so it has all night to defrost and expand. I think it would be funny. If you do it get pics.
Originally posted by E_SolSi+May 5 2005, 11:06 PM-->
im telling you man
spork their lawn
you + a few friends + about 1000 sporks + their lawn = ultimate "harmless" prank

im not a big fan of fucking with peoples cars
[post=495769]Quoted post[/post]​

he lives in the dorms so he doesn't have a lawn.

Originally posted by E-dogg@May 5 2005, 11:11 PM
read about this in Maxim.....

If the person or people have a desk, or hell their glove compartment would work, take a can of shaving cream and freeze it overnight. The next day use a can-opener on it and take the top off. Then shove it in their glove compartment/desk, under their car-seats, wherever. As it defrosts it will expand like crazy and fill anything up.

Just think about how much a tiny bit expands in your hand. If you put like a can under each car seat and one in the glove compartment their car would be pretty damn full. It wouldn't damage anything either. I would get unscented, hypoallergenic just to be safe. They could just scoop it out or something later. You could like freeze the cans one night, then put them in their car the next night so it has all night to defrost and expand. I think it would be funny. If you do it get pics.

not a bad idea

@May 5 2005, 11:12 PM
fuck his wife/girlfriend

1. i'm married.
2. he is single.
3. that is so wrong on so many different levels.
Originally posted by E-dogg@May 5 2005, 11:11 PM
I read about this in Maxim.....

If the person or people have a desk, or hell their glove compartment would work, take a can of shaving cream and freeze it overnight. The next day use a can-opener on it and take the top off. Then shove it in their glove compartment/desk, under their car-seats, wherever. As it defrosts it will expand like crazy and fill anything up.

Just think about how much a tiny bit expands in your hand. If you put like a can under each car seat and one in the glove compartment their car would be pretty damn full. It wouldn't damage anything either. I would get unscented, hypoallergenic just to be safe. They could just scoop it out or something later. You could like freeze the cans one night, then put them in their car the next night so it has all night to defrost and expand. I think it would be funny. If you do it get pics.
[post=495773]Quoted post[/post]​

damn you beat me to it :lol: i was going to suggest that one
Shaving cream would be a bitch to clean up.

Go to a pick and pull yard and buy a side window from any random junker car. Take it home then break it up into many pieces.

Take a bag of that broken glass over to his place and roll down one of his cars windows. Place pieces of the broken glass all over the ground around the door, also place "nicly as to not hurt anything" glass on his floor/seats. Then put a big rock in his car.

Fun stuff =) Also remove his face plate for added effect.
you guys are great...
once, my friends and i filled this kids car with shredded newspaper up to the windows...we put it in the sunroof. we got his gf to get the key for us. then we wrapped a big ass bow on top because it was christmas. he got called out of class to clean it up. it was great.

secondly is what we call nickle knocking. I'm going to try to explain it to you...i probably wont do such a good job. you need duct tape, fishing line and a nickle or quarter. put the start of the fishing line at one end of the tape then put the coin standing up right where you put the fishing line, fold the tape over onto the coin, but have about half sticking out. stick the other end of the tape on the window so its like a door knocker...run the line back and hide behind some bushes or something, then pull the string so the coin knocks on the window...its great to do at like midnight. especially good if you hide it behind some curtains that dont usually move so the person freaks out trying to find out what it is.
this wouldnt be for getting the kid back for the glitter...nothing really besides havok's response would satisfy me enough for some shit like that. lol.
Originally posted by jeffie7@May 6 2005, 06:14 AM
Shaving cream would be a bitch to clean up.

Go to a pick and pull yard and buy a side window from any random junker car. Take it home then break it up into many pieces.

Take a bag of that broken glass over to his place and roll down one of his cars windows. Place pieces of the broken glass all over the ground around the door, also place "nicly as to not hurt anything" glass on his floor/seats. Then put a big rock in his car.

Fun stuff =) Also remove his face plate for added effect.
[post=495814]Quoted post[/post]​

Nice, I'll have to remember that one.