Is it worth being friends with an ex?

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Anyone had any success with staying friends with an ex? I have plenty of friends that are the opposite sex, but not too many that I have dated and continued to talk to. For some reason... this one is sticking around and I am not sure if I should just ignore and move on... or attempt to save something. She is a cool chick but just has drama.

the only ex's that have remained friends with me are ones that i dated for less than a month.
eh.. i'm still friend with a few of my ex's... though i dont talk to them really, we remain friends
That's true... she just calls me non stop all day to talk. Literally she calls me @ 10, 12, 2 and 5 everyday, and that is my break/lunch schedule exactly. Im sorry that I have nothing new to say since the past 2 hours we spoke. I am currently talking to this new girl, but the old one likes to stay around and get attention.

She gets upset every time she finds out I am hanging out with the new girl, or when I ignore her calls since I am with the new girl and don't feel like answering. Also when we hang out (barely anymore) she is always asking about me when I walk away, and always trying to be close... but yet she is talking to another guy as well.

I understand the whole friends boundary, but she crosses the line. I don't act on them, but I am 100% sure if I acted I would get what I wanted.

Oh, and we split up because we are 2 different people. I wanted something exclusive, but she didnt. I am not looking for the whole 'BF GF' tag, but I am looking for exclusive company. I am not they type of person that will fall for someone quickly again, but it is tough to get to know someone when they are dating around.
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well dude its up to you to setup boundaries that you can both agree on. and that is that. if not, then walk.
who dumped who?

thats important. she isn't really an ex. it was only 2 months. she's more of a girl you hooked up with.
Booty call was Monday :)

I wasnt saying we were in a relationship... just dating. But I still consider that an ex girl that I hooked up with. I would not be comfortable with a close friend dating her after me... just like an ex gf.

BTW... splitting up was mutual, but she caused me to bring it up.
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Booty call was Monday :)

I wasnt saying we were in a relationship... just dating. But I still consider that an ex girl that I hooked up with. I would not be comfortable with a close friend dating her after me... just like an ex gf.

dude, she's still your gf.
most times with the ex-gfs being friends with the just harbors emotions from the nootrac said, walk away.
She is a cool chick but just has drama.

there is no such thing as a cool chick with drama. i'm guessing she's about 20-21...

get rid of her asap.
Yea no joke, she called me 16 times one day last week... just to talk. I ignored most of them, but only answered them to stop her from calling. But... she says she doesn't care and we are just friends. Shes 25.
hmm. psycho to me.

I take it case by case, as someone else mentioned above. I'm friends with one, because she's engaged to my buddy and our relationship was a few years ago so I can handle it just find, and I have no feelings what so ever for her. Others, I delete out of my life. Like I will do anything to not hang out with them.