Micro Touch One Razor

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i wear my battle wounds in the raw!

So i didn't shave again...mostly because im digging the beard at the moment....and that's partly because i was at D&D on Monday and two hot chicks were talking in line and I over hearrd one of them said she thought guys with facial hair were sexy..so that's kind of been in my mind....

i swear i will shave at some point....i'm no Red Sox
Be careful on using the DE on a thicker beard, if you've never practiced before. That won't be a good test...

DE shaving requires much more skill than a standard razor. Your shaves should get better and better as you get better and better with the razor.

Its like driving with traction control in the snow versus turning traction control off. Standard razor is meant to be idiot proof. DE razor, you have to find the angle and the appropriate pressure to use. There's no safety guards or moisture strips.

I'm sure it'll work out fine and you won't butcher yourself, just giving you fair warning.
Buddy of mine has an old school DE that he got from his father, that he got from his father, etc. I was exclusively using a straight blade at the time when we were roommates. He came out one day looking like he fought a cougar. Turns out he had tried my straight blade.

One common thing with both though? You have to take your time. You want a quick shave? Use a standard razor. You want a good shave, take your time with something a man would use. That is of course, if a man were to ever shave his beard.
For every girl who thinks a beard is sexy, there's 2131223213 others who don't.
man up
it is true that more women prefer clean faces, but the ones who dig the beard are usually worth keeping around


  • Beard 12 11 2013.jpg
    Beard 12 11 2013.jpg
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thats actually with it combed up for extra effect.
stopped trimming towards the end of october, going to let it grow until xmas to go along with the ugly christmas sweater i plan to wear to the family dinner this year.
the shit i do to entertain myself...
Recked nice beard. I had mine about an inch long and it was starting to itch so I shaved it off. I am now regrowing it. The wifey hates facial hair but liked my beard. She was upset when I shaved it off.
here's the winter beards from 2010 and 2011.


  • 2010-03-16 19.59.18.jpg
    2010-03-16 19.59.18.jpg
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  • 2 22 2011.jpg
    2 22 2011.jpg
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That's probably close to the longest it's ever been. I can't have it that long anymore with work though.