My own Breakfast

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I want to fuck this little thing and not get involved. And I want to do it repeatedly until the coroner tells me to stop. I want to rope her to the wall and paint her blue and do it all over again.

Clear enough ?

TMI on the wrong subject hahaha, i was asking what kinda stories of friends with benifits you were looking for.
I want to fuck this little thing and not get involved. And I want to do it repeatedly until the coroner tells me to stop. I want to rope her to the wall and paint her blue and do it all over again.

Clear enough ?

invite her over for diner


pop open some bubbly


surprise her with some dessert


giver her the biggest pair of these that you can find


guaranteed you'll be in there

invite her over for diner


pop open some bubbly


surprise her with some dessert


giver her the biggest pair of these that you can find


guaranteed you'll be in there

candidate for non-nude post of the year.
That is amazing. I'm jealous that I didn't think of that. Although, the grape soda is a bit off the mark. I think the proper thing would have been GRAPE DRINK, which, as we all know, is comprised of sugar, water, and purple. It's much like Kool-Aid, but not quite...
That is amazing. I'm jealous that I didn't think of that. Although, the grape soda is a bit off the mark. I think the proper thing would have been GRAPE DRINK, which, as we all know, is comprised of sugar, water, and purple. It's much like Kool-Aid, but not quite...
well it sounded like he wanted to impress her... i figured she might be worth breaking out the good shit for
if you find yourself not making ground and need some backup/reinforcements... dont hesitate to call in the troops


thats right mother fucker.... Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.... dropping panties since the 7th fucking grade!!!!!!!!1!!
i think maybe i'm black. i qualify according to everything in this thread so far (even down to the hair washing/care techniques). so where's my trunk full of junk and my athletic prowess? oh yeah, i should be able to dance in some videos too. I think i'm going to like being black. :glare:
for the term correctness its GRAPE DRANK!not drink:D
and they love the hooker hoops..the bigger the O the bigger the hoe
I'm working on another 18 year old. Details as they develop.

I've known this girl and flirted around with her since she was 17 (Hey man, didn't know). Also, I had a girlfriend so the flirting was just busting her balls (Hey, what's she gonna do? not sleep with me?!) And the more and more I busted her balls, the better we got along. So I backed off.

And then she went and got her new boyfriend, who's a complete chode. But now she's 18 and things are getting boring for her (Her fat ass boyfriend is on her about her weight). We're talkin about 5'6 and 130 pounds. Not a big deal.

So I went to the parts store where she works and picked up on my busting again. I'm working a few angles. not too sure about the youngins anymore..ive come to realise they really are just drama...
lol but i blew my chance for a girl even B would appreciate:D
blonde,nice sized tits,they were small but noticeable in the white tube top she was wearing,she was short,blonde hair,nice tan,very well toned,
i was at the speedbowl she was sitting 2 rows down..grr i shoulda said something to her:mad:
Blew a chance ? You looked at her, Where am teh chance ?

You gotta TALK to these people. This is where the young fail. They fear rejection, and fear looking stupid.

I DO look stupid, so I've overcome the hurdle. I look like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had a baby and tossed it into a particle accelerator. Abandon all doubt and hesitation and do it. This is why I'm glad I'm not young anymore. Since being older I can do whatever I want without worry about being cool.