My own Breakfast

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He thinks she has bad hygeine.

I've never dated someone outside of white before I don't think. I live in suburban america and its hard to come by. I did though have sex with a PI girl once. It was great besides her lack of experience or skills for that matter, but I got to do whatever I wanted to do because of it. :)
This girl showered on a normal schedule but did cap her hair. The hair only gets washed probably every 3-4 days. They have to wrap it up as soon as they get out of the shower. No blow dryers. If they let it dry out too much or too fast it gets brittle and will crack off. Her dad used to use that blue shit to keep hair moist and shiny. Most of the time she had her hair in thick little braids. It used to take 9 hours to do, but once it was done, she didn't really have to fuck with it for a month or so. This girl was spotless. You could drink a rum and coke out of her sphincter with a straw. There of course was a price to pay for this. If I said I'll be there at 7:00, I'd show up and we wouldn't leave until almost 8:00. it took her forever to get ready...
PI - partially incapacitated? She was a paraplegic?
Now THATS what I'm looking for. Thank you for the info. I didn't want to get involved in another girl that didn't shower but once a week and who's box I could smell across the Mall.
Oh, and what's the scoop with touching it ? You're not supposed to ? Ja gets all pissed ?
They are Catholic, not Rasta. She had no problem with touching anything. Actually she was probably the most "free" of any girl I've ever been involved with. Lights on, clothes off, check me out! She was awesome.
huh, it never said anything about uninhibited hot secks w/undr8d in her 'meet ms. NH' article. :D

ps crowns have been lost over this kind of crap before, i suggest removing these posts in her best interests. :shrug2:
What, were you not present at the time ?

I get drunk and time travel on a regular basis. The one time I hooked up with a PI(Pacific islander, aka filipino) I was drunk and it was a close friend and later ruined our friendship.
Apparently, according to the advice on this forum, anything short of "hey, wanna screw" puts you in a friend zone.
Ya. That is surely untrue. You are right. It is 99% chance. You can manipulate a situation to your best advantage and still fail miserably. When it happens it happens. I'd like to add to your chance theorem, my own little piece, and that is, your attitude is the one thing that truly does matter. A woman, whether she be 15 or 55, can smell a man with a bad attitude about himself. You can not be self-loathing or still be bumming about some other girl, or feel like you are inadequate. They can smell it on you. So, in order for chance to truly take effect, I believe an attitude change is paramount. Not for you Cel, just, as a general rule.
that's where the Rebound date comes in handy. The confidence, and self loathing is prevalent there, but after wards you may realise that "I'm not so bad afterall" and you should change your approach and your doubts about yourself.

As far as the 15 to 55 thing, I would say more along the lines of 25 to 55, or whatever. These young girls get the signals, but have no clue how to process them.

Or, perhaps the one-offs are so numerous, that it can play into the Chance theory. the Manipulation that you may be referring to may be called "Sales" in another's eyes though. A first few dates are there to put forward all that's good about you. "Why you should be with me". most people turn that into an act, or The Fonz. during these first few meetings, it's best to not "truly" be yourself. Myself loves to make fun of races, classes and spit on homeless people. I'm a pro-choice, anti babykiller walking contradiction that will actually bend over and FART on a democrat in a public place, upon meeting them. "myself" isn't a pleasant person. Others need to be introduced, slowly, to my way of thought.

I mean think of this for a moment. Me, seeing a black girl today. most of you thought I was slightly more to the right than Archie Bunker on this issue. Others thought "Celerity" was the online persona of David Duke. I'm a walking contradiction because my thought patterns are all over the place.
My only issue is that I have no idea how to interact with a black girl. I mean, it's ok to talk to her and stuff, but I have no clue what's proper or improper with regards to the hair. No idea how to handle that.

And then, moreso, if I should start something that I may not finish because of specific natures of the two of us. As far as racism in itself, my mother is actually my worst problem. She's not a bigot, but she does have verbal diahhrea, and OFTEN opens uncomfortable paths. Most of my friends are slightly more racist than the KKK and still others are so soft-treading around the issue that they prove to be even more racist about it.

My own problem ? The hair / showering thing. I have no idea how it works - still no one has given me a straight answer.
My own problem ? The hair / showering thing. I have no idea how it works - still no one has given me a straight answer.

they just dont wash it as often :shrug2: thats all i know. Does it really matter that much? And if you think you might offend her trying to talk to her or something, save it until you know her better. That way you run less of a risk of scaring her of with your celerity-ness.