My own Breakfast

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I gave you a straight answer. They only wash the hair once a week because the wetting/drying cycle makes it brittle and then it will crack and fall out everywhere. When they do wash their hair they wrap it up in a moist towel as soon as they get out. The head wrap is intended to keep hair damp and healthy. That's why when you see black women on TV like Erykah Badu or the girl in the video for "the light" by Common, they have their hair wrapped up in a big DaShiki print towel. The rest of the time she probably wears a shower cap. Go into the women's hair care aisle at Wal-Mart or a pharmacy and there will be a small section for black hair care. They are mostly moisturizing agents because if the hair dries out it will break. Now go forth and impress her with you new knowledge of black female hair care!!!
Yes, I retract that statement - you DID tell me all of that. she's got her hair somewhat chemically straightened (again, she looks like the girl from BSG) and I'm not sure what type of involvement that takes. Is chemically straightened hair wrong to touch ?
Argh... just got back from lunch.

she's turning 21 in a few weeks and has 2 kids - ages 4 and 6. What to do now ?

And she's vegetarian. Still a nice girl, but this girl is looking less and less "datable". Still "doable" though. So I may re-arrange my approach, and put her on that ladder.
Well what I need right now is something that wants the Demonseed of Celerity. I haven't gotten any in almost 2 years.
Your virginity AND your innocence. Geez Louise. And, I say ditch this girl before she expects you to play daddy.
I'm very good at saying "no". this is going to HAVE to be a booty call thing. She's got her new apartment she's moving into this weekend, she's got kids and finds her mom to watch them while she's at work. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to pull her aside for a bike ride.

So my plan is altered. Instead of giving up and moving forward, this time I'm going to give a shot at tapping some ass and then moving forward.

Now I need to figure out a way to do that and still be honest about my intent.
Just don't lie. It's that easy. If she starts talking about relationship, just be like "whoa there. back up. I'll fuck you but I'm not going to be with you". Either she'll want it or not. If she does want it, I recommend wrapping your cock in a trash bag. You don't know how many Jamals have dumped their filthy loads in this girl...
I'm keeping score of how much more racist everyone else is over Uncle Cel :)

It'll be a nice one. I can keep her out of my house, and into hers. As long as she has airconditioning and a coffee pot, I'm good !

Can't wait ! But I gotta come up with some sorta plan. I need some stories of people with ... "Friends with benefits"
I want to fuck this little thing and not get involved. And I want to do it repeatedly until the coroner tells me to stop. I want to rope her to the wall and paint her blue and do it all over again.

Clear enough ?
you need to stroke it before you go over there so you don't bust in 2.2 seconds.
She'll be a captive audience. All I need is about a 10 minute reboot time and I'll be good.