My own Breakfast

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Oh, and she dabbles in pseudo-voodoo and black magic.

It's magick. Yes, I had a stage in life like that too, didn't everyone?

Cel: If you enjoy being around her, be around her more often. You can only try to change her habits. If there's a chemical disorder going on, all you can do is be there. Once again, make sure you enjoy being around her.

^^ feel free to ignore/chew on
Well then, Update:

Had a date last night, I guess I pissed her off again. We went out and did things that I like to do, and she took no part in them. Went for coffee at my favorite new england place, in the rain, with the Beetle, top down. Had to maintain steady 60mph on rt34. Finally ran into traffic and had to put the roof up. Got soaked. Went to the coffee house and she ordered nothing "You're not supposed to drink or eat when you're drunk" she says. Apparently this girl does drink, but again I didn't smell it on her. All we talked about last night was drinking, and she wanted to meet my accountant RIGHT THEN AND THERE so he could pour her a drink. And when I turned my back on her, she was on the phone with people arranging for them to drop off booze around the corner from her house. She wanted me to drop her off at her street so she could wait for her booze connection. I got fed up and left.

It turns out it's just depression, with perhaps a personal demon. I'll think about it and where I Wanna go. I would love to take on the case, but there is no room in my life for drinking and sleeping. No time.
She sounds like a waste of your time, and that she has a serious drinking problem. This girl is only going to bring hell into your life Cel. I say get as far away as you possibly can and don't try to "fix" this girl or be her daddy, it's not worth it.

I know it's in your general nature to want to help people in need but this one is just way over your head. Drama-fest waiting to happen, waiting to explode. She's just waiting for her next victim. She's got your in her sights, waiting to pull the trigger. Get the hell outta there mate!
Still evaluating. Going through my database of drinking. Remembering my own 19 year old habits and lifestyle.

Still processing. Not sure of the harm, but what else am I going to run into ? Drug problems ? Illegitimate kids ? Kleptomaniacs ?

What I AM; however, is very familiar with depression. And that's what I'm evaluating. I'll let you know what happens and where the process goes.
It's good to see that you're deciding what to do before verything happens.

Are you sure you really want to relive that part of your life?
yeah yeah .. don't remind me.
Are you sure you really want to relive that part of your life?
Yeah, it's fine by me. I still associate with those people, lightly. I've taken a lot of them out of the lifestyle by showing them how well I'm adjusted now. It's not like I drank goat's blood or sacrificed children either, soooo..

The black magic thing I know about peripherally, having never participated. But I'm very familiar, and have observed enough to make my own self cautious (to the say least).
Well then, Update:

Had a date last night, I guess I pissed her off again. We went out and did things that I like to do, and she took no part in them. Went for coffee at my favorite new england place, in the rain, with the Beetle, top down. Had to maintain steady 60mph on rt34. Finally ran into traffic and had to put the roof up. Got soaked. Went to the coffee house and she ordered nothing "You're not supposed to drink or eat when you're drunk" she says. Apparently this girl does drink, but again I didn't smell it on her. All we talked about last night was drinking, and she wanted to meet my accountant RIGHT THEN AND THERE so he could pour her a drink. And when I turned my back on her, she was on the phone with people arranging for them to drop off booze around the corner from her house. She wanted me to drop her off at her street so she could wait for her booze connection. I got fed up and left.

It turns out it's just depression, with perhaps a personal demon. I'll think about it and where I Wanna go. I would love to take on the case, but there is no room in my life for drinking and sleeping. No time.

1. What is your favorite NE place for coffee. If you don't say Dunkin' fuckin' Donuts you are not a real New Englander. Believe it or not they are hard to come by in many parts of the country. I wish we had one here in Shittowne, OH.

2. I hope you schooled her about eating and drinking when drunk. There is nothing wrong with either. Unless you want to get alcohol poisoning and have the worst dehydration induced hangover of your life. Dumb bitch.

3. Dumpster
Well then, Update:

Had a date last night, I guess I pissed her off again. We went out and did things that I like to do, and she took no part in them. Went for coffee at my favorite new england place, in the rain, with the Beetle, top down. Had to maintain steady 60mph on rt34. Finally ran into traffic and had to put the roof up. Got soaked. Went to the coffee house and she ordered nothing "You're not supposed to drink or eat when you're drunk" she says. Apparently this girl does drink, but again I didn't smell it on her. All we talked about last night was drinking, and she wanted to meet my accountant RIGHT THEN AND THERE so he could pour her a drink. And when I turned my back on her, she was on the phone with people arranging for them to drop off booze around the corner from her house. She wanted me to drop her off at her street so she could wait for her booze connection. I got fed up and left.

It turns out it's just depression, with perhaps a personal demon. I'll think about it and where I Wanna go. I would love to take on the case, but there is no room in my life for drinking and sleeping. No time.

Sounds like a loser to me.
1. What is your favorite NE place for coffee. If you don't say Dunkin' fuckin' Donuts you are not a real New Englander. Believe it or not they are hard to come by in many parts of the country. I wish we had one here in Shittowne, OH.

2. I hope you schooled her about eating and drinking when drunk. There is nothing wrong with either. Unless you want to get alcohol poisoning and have the worst dehydration induced hangover of your life. Dumb bitch.

3. Dumpster

yeah there are MANY better places than DD to get coffee.
yeah there are MANY better places than DD to get coffee.

I know, I know. But after roaming the country and not finding near the concentration of DD as in NE. I miss it a lot. Between my parents house and the city where I usually hung out there are probably 12 DD. It is only a half hour drive on 30 mph roads. That's a lot of DDs. I guess it's just one of those things that makes me miss the fast-paced-get-shit-done atmosphere of home. :(
Sounds like I'm not the only concerned. Who knows better than a girl the same age, who's experienced almost every single aspect of what you explained to me/ HS first-hand? If you let me get my thoughts together a little better, maybe I can explain a little more clearly what is trying to be said, well besides the obvious "stay the fuck away" and shit.

The majority of what you're saying sounds like junior high games, like I've said before. I knew many girls who did that shit for attention, including me. I have a relatively long and weird past history with different parts of that kind of stuff. I'll explain it to you later if you want.

And not to be harsh, at all, but from it sounds like, she's more "in love" with her favorite drink than with you. It doesn't even sounds like she's at all interested in your favoite things and that's counter-supportive and a far cry from any kind of effort put forth in this relationship. Why would you want to pusuit this if it just ends in hurt and exasperation? We can all understand caring for her and wanting to help her, but we've also all probably been in a similar situation. I'm sure you have too.

You also told me you didn't want to "save" her.

Still evaluating. Going through my database of drinking. Remembering my own 19 year old habits and lifestyle.

Still processing. Not sure of the harm, but what else am I going to run into ? Drug problems ? Illegitimate kids ? Kleptomaniacs ?

What I AM; however, is very familiar with depression. And that's what I'm evaluating. I'll let you know what happens and where the process goes.
Dude, if you wanna date young chicks (that are willing to date older dudes) you're gonna have to deal with their issues. That's what makes them chicks, if they completely solved all their issues and came to grips with reality, they'd spontaneously sprout a penis. I've seen it happen, it's not cool.
How is it that everything you say makes me laugh, while being true at the same time...It wouldn't let me rep you again(.
You also told me you didn't want to "save" her.
Now I do.

After careful consideration, lots of off-line conversations with some of you, and some careful introspection of myself, I'm ready to dive into this completely.

As far as "saving" her, my only effort is just to be there. I Think that my life and my choices, and my company, is enough to "Change" her. The nice thing about it is that I am infatuated with this girl, and I really want more than anything for things to be ok.

It wasn't too long ago that I was that age, and I snapped out of it because my girlfriend (The ex from recently) corrected my ways. And she did so not by demanding my change, but just through showing me a better way. I snapped out of my stupid shit really quick. (well, I laid to rest my childhood retardation at age 25).

She has little to no influence right now outside of me. Her friends are all fair-weather and she knows they are a bad influence. I think that just by being around I'll provide some looking-glass (God I hate that phrase) into a better way of living.

Even if I give up and break up with her, I'll still be able to do this. I don't have to make promises, it'll just happen.

She's back to being really nice to me. Which makes me feel good.
If you need to change a female to make her fit the relationship, then the entire thing is already on a sharp downward spiral. Methinks you need to reevaluate the type of female you are chasing. Sure, a bit of change is okay and fully expected, however looking at a girl and saying "I think I can change her" is a recipe for disaster... that's what chicks try to do to us.

If the girl isn't good the way she sits NOW, she won't be good at all.