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Have you ever been so pissedoff you want to shot somebody? I have. :bash: :axe:
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The Moderating Team

:P :lmao:

Of course, but then reason takes over. :P
Dude look into getting a bicycle, seriously. It is the best stress reducer, you go out on a good long bike ride, you beat the crap out of your self in the process, find a couple hills to loose your train of thought on, and when you come back you feel refreshed and what not. It is a much more constructive way of dealing with streses, than driving hard (on public roads at least), or firing at gun (at someone at least). Plus with the bike the only person you are going to hurt is your self. :thumbsup:
:yes: when i was younger that was def. my only way of killing stress- Of course then I started dipping- now copenhagen long cut is my stress reliever :)
Originally posted by Slammed90Lude@May 8 2004, 07:48 AM
:yes: when i was younger that was def. my only way of killing stress- Of course then I started dipping- now copenhagen long cut is my stress reliever :)

Isn't Copenhagen long cut chewing tobacco? <_< If so... go back to biking! Mouth cancer dude!!!! :(
:yes: it's chewing tobacco and yeah i know mouth cancer, i was actually just reading about mouth cancer now, as much as it kills me to say it, i think i'm going to stop for a while- NOT QUIT, just take a pause to allow my oral health to improve :)
PLEASE consider quitting altogether.... google up some pics of mouth cancer and print them out to ponder. Why would you want to return to chewing it? Chew gum instead. :(

In addition, kissing tobacco mouth is NASTY. Done that, ain't ever doing it again...
Originally posted by Slammed90Lude@May 8 2004, 08:00 AM
:yes: it's chewing tobacco and yeah i know mouth cancer, i was actually just reading about mouth cancer now, as much as it kills me to say it, i think i'm going to stop for a while- NOT QUIT, just take a pause to allow my oral health to improve :)

ill buy you all the chewing gum you can chew for a year, if you quit.