purchasing h22

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me and my buddy found a h22 COMPLETE, everything you need but the axles for 2200 shipped.

we also found a h22a with everything BUT tranny and ECU for somewhere around 1300 shipped.

would it be worht it to get the whole complete or part out and get the long block and buy tranny and ecu at local pic-a-part?

which one would be somewhat cheaper. (highschoolers on a budget)
Originally posted by -94-AccordH22@Sep 23 2005, 11:09 PM
me and my buddy found a h22 COMPLETE, everything you need but the axles for 2200 shipped.

we also found a h22a with everything BUT tranny and ECU for somewhere around 1300 shipped.

would it be worht it to get the whole complete or part out and get the long block and buy tranny and ecu at local pic-a-part?

which one would be somewhat cheaper. (highschoolers on a budget)
[post=559643]Quoted post[/post]​

Cheapest would be the motor and ECU shipped.

Better is the package. The ECU's are kinda matched to the knock sensor, but don't let that worry you too much. IF the tranny is the LSD tranny, then it would be more of a bonus. The H22 tranny is shorter geared, so you make better use of the motor's output.

If you plan to turbo in the future, then keep the original tranny, because turbos like a little longer gearing.

IS THIS MANUAL OR AUTO???? Auto, don't bother with the tranny so much. Manual, check if it's LSD, get confirmation.
Also, don't worry about the harness. Some people make a big deal out of a "complete uncut" harness. Who cares?, you'll use your Accord harness anyway.
the motor i CAN afford is everything BUT the tranny and ecu for 1300.
the motor that i want but will take a little bit to save for is the NON lsd Manual EVERYTHING but axles motor.
and we plan on turboing so i wouldnt want lsd anyway

so would it be cheaper to save for the complete or get the semi complete and save some more checks for a manny tranny non lsd and a ecu?
If your Accord axles are in good shape then there's nothing to really worry about. I just did a swap and my passenger side axles was done, so I got another Accord axle. You can use your Accord axles, and about the wiring harness, you will probably end up using the Accord harness as was mentionned and 1300 is a good deal, but I would go with the tranny and ECU as well, but if moneys an issue whichy it normally is then go with the cheaper route
we plan on turboing so i wouldnt want lsd anyway

Holy misguided high-schoolers... Why would you NOT want LSD on a turbo motor!?!? If anything if you plan on a turbo down the road MAKE SURE you get the LSD. This will help prevent torque steer, and do a much much much much (pretend I typed this about 9,000,000 times) better job of getting power to the ground. Two wheels are better than one. Do some research, please.
hey about the lsd im just going with what he said. but we got an A/T accord now so were converting, so stock axles wont do very good. but i think ill go ahead and save for the complete and just get the lsd kit later.

thanks guys
I would install the LSD on your accord 5-spd while it's out of the car. No need to pull it out again later.
:concur: I kick my own ass every day for not having LSD. I also kick it for not buying the down pipe for the H22. I dont know if the Accord has the same problem.
ok thank you all alot. i will break down and spend 2300 for the COMPLETE with lsd motor.

i appreciate all the responses.

is it really THAT hard to convert our A/T to M/T??

any sugestions on careless mistakes i should watch for??

not THAT hard...but it does take some work. I dont have the patience for something like that. When i got around to changing shifters i would probably stop and put the old tranny back in....i just dont finish things...screws for my center console (plastic thing with the ebrake) are still in my center console....the glovebox like holder thingie.