question for anyone who is a vegetarian

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vegans cant wear leather shyt and fur..its not jsut what they eat...
i personally think that being a vegitarian because of the killing is fuckin DUMB! that animal is going to die either you eat it or not...look at it like this..if you vegetarians dont eat meat because of the killing, well then an animal died for no eat it you #$&%@$

killing animals is only natural..we r on top of the food chain..its been like this for millions of years...and only now do people start crying about it...
Originally posted by zaneithan@Nov 29 2003, 04:55 AM
how the hell can you justify the killing of plants (LIVING ANIMALS MIND YOU) yet killing other animals like cows or pigs is such a big ass no no

Are you all retarded?!? Why didnt anyone notice that he said that plants were animals?!?!!?! LMAO. I would think that he never passed 3rd grade!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Watch the ORIGINAL texas chainsaw massacre. Should give you a good idea about slaughter houses. Still humans do have bicuspids(for tearing meat). And steak is damn good. Soybeans have feelings too!
What does it matter if somone else is vegetarian? How does it effect anyone else? It doesn't. It's real simple guys, if you don't like it don't do it. This thread sucks.
They creep you out??? That has got to be the most ignorant thing I think I have heard from this board in a while. If you don't like it just ignore it.
Originally posted by crxtunerfan@Nov 29 2003, 05:45 PM
vegetarians creep me out. thats how it affects me. i think if i cut one, it will bleed tree sap or something.

hahahaha I suppose if we cut you, you'd bleed stupid or something. :D j/k

to back ya up though...there are some pretty crazy people out there that are vegetarians...I've run into some really really weird people, they just don't seem like they're all there or something. Not all vegetarians are like this...but a few are.
i want to say first that i find this to be one of the oddest subjects explained or asked on this board... having that said:

did you know that the cows at the abbatoir KNOW they're about to die?

they excrete extra hormones when they smell the other cows being murdered near them... which then carries over when you eat it.

hey guys... do you know that you ingest 3 times the amount of estrogen you're supposed to in ONE SERVING of beef??

i do have to say... there's more than one reason NOT to eat meat... if there ever was one it's got to be that any meat product (especially pork) sits and literally rots in your intestines for more than 8 hours. Now you know why your gas smells rotten. hahaha

anyway... just some facts to consider... it's not all about killing cows... it's about being friendly to your body.

plants are a natural replenishable source of food... and it was put on earth to eat. some say the same about cows... but tell that to people who live in india.
The pig is the most humble and useful animal on this earth. If your diabetic what insulin do you take? pigs. They are even genetically enhancing them to have human hearts. And its one animal that we actually eat All the parts of. From leatherd pig ears for your dog to the pickled pigs feet that people actually eat. The pig is one awesome animal! And what spinach doesnt "rot" in your stomach? thats called digestion.
Dairy products are bad for adults. They really clog up the intestinal tract. In addition, all the fat that goes along with the whole milk and cheeses.

It's all about moderation. Not to detract from B's post for the needy, but there is nothing at all wrong with feeling the pangs of hunger. The majority of poor families are not actually skinny, quite the contrary, they are overweight from eating the wrong foods. Too much sugar and soda. However, they all should have a nice holiday meal with gifts.
Originally posted by lsvtec@Nov 29 2003, 10:36 PM
They creep you out???  That has got to be the most ignorant thing I think I have heard from this board in a while.  If you don't like it just ignore it.

it was just a joke :eek:

sleepergtx....i just saw this thing on tv about this 21 day "detox" diet. its nnothing but organic food for 21 days (all veggies too, no meat). one woman lost like 27 pounds! alot of the stuff they ate and drank looked pretty nasty though.

did you know that the cows at the abbatoir KNOW they're about to die?

they excrete extra hormones when they smell the other cows being murdered near them... which then carries over when you eat it.

hey guys... do you know that you ingest 3 times the amount of estrogen you're supposed to in ONE SERVING of beef??

i do have to say... there's more than one reason NOT to eat meat... if there ever was one it's got to be that any meat product (especially pork) sits and literally rots in your intestines for more than 8 hours. Now you know why your gas smells rotten. hahaha

anyway... just some facts to consider... it's not all about killing cows... it's about being friendly to your body.

i wish i didnt read that :( poor cows. but they arent gonna stop killing them if i stop eating them.

Dairy products are bad for adults. They really clog up the intestinal tract. In addition, all the fat that goes along with the whole milk and cheeses.

It's all about moderation. Not to detract from B's post for the needy, but there is nothing at all wrong with feeling the pangs of hunger. The majority of poor families are not actually skinny, quite the contrary, they are overweight from eating the wrong foods. Too much sugar and soda. However, they all should have a nice holiday meal with gifts.

man. everything is bad for you: meat, dairy, sugar, starches. the only thing we can eat is wheats, fruits and vegetables. we cant drink soda, liquor or artifically sweetened drinks. we can only drink purified water and 100% juice. that sucks.
Cows are such a tasty animal. :)

It seems like everything in life is bad for you. Why not enjoy life and eat what you want, as you long as you aren't gaining weight.
Originally posted by Jeef@Nov 30 2003, 12:13 PM
Cows are such a tasty animal. :)

It seems like everything in life is bad for you. Why not enjoy life and eat what you want, as you long as you aren't gaining weight.

Amen to that, I eat whatever I want and I havent gained a pound wince 9nth grade, plus if I didnt eat meat where would I get my protein and you know, stuff that only comes in meat.
Livestock is mostly senseless for food. Think of what it takes, in pounds, to feed a cow for one year. Double it (Because normal livestock cows reproduce, then are killed) for it's two year life-span. Now think of how much food that cow will reproduce. Takes more to feed it than it will, in turn, feed.

In today's day and age there are genetically modified cows, some that produce ONLY milk and are not approved for beef sales. That means that due to cost restrictions alone the Milking cow is destroyed in a few years. And then thrown away.

Another thing I want you to consider is what "Kosher" means to an animal. During a kosher session a rabbi will oversee the slaughtering of an animal. If the animal shows any signs of pain, it will NOT be consumed. It will be thrown away. You can imagine how many animals "show pain" when they are slaughtered.

You can see with just these handful of farming costs, that raising beef cattle simple doesn't make any sense. So the government steps in with Farm Subsidizing money. So for each cow that a farm has, it's simply GIVEN $1000 or so . That's to absorb the costs of food versus how much the cow actually fetches at market. Without Farm Subsidizing Beef would push $35 per pound.

Chickens are nearly the same way - Only cheaper. Chickens are the livestock of the poor world. Feed is still an issue, and without farm Sub money, Chicken may cost $14 a pound.

Fishing, as you may know, lacks farm sub money, and thus costs an arm and a leg. People do whatever they can to keep the prices of Domestic fish below the Icelandic - Who have such strong hatcheries and oceans that they yield even 15 times that of a US fishing company. Once again, it's signficantly cheaper to import fish from Iceland than it is to buy from our own fishermen - And our fisherman is left on his own. With current market practice and US Farm money given to Fishermen, Fish may be down around $2 a pound.

Raising produce, like I did in Pennsylvania (grew up on a produce farm) Is next to bliss. The cattle farm down the road stank to high hell, was dirty and full of disease and pestilence. Produce farming is cleaner, a better lifestyle and simply more advantageous. Growing up eating Corn (Oh my god, I must have digested a truckfull of corn in my life), beets, radishes, cabbage, peppers / tomatoes / etc I think that may be why I turned out to have such a healthy rate of metabolism, being fit and thin. (5'6" and 135 lbs) Eating meat now - while it tastes great - Weighs down on me like a load of bricks. Eating vegetables simply makes me feel better.

So regardless of your religious beliefs, health concerns, or philosophy - Eating meat is also quite wasteful.

-> Steve
i agree that people aren't going to stop killing cows. i'm just giving out information.

digestion does not consist of 'rotting' it's the parts of the food that get left over that the body doesn't use. it sits there... can cause horrid intestinal problems...

not to mention parasites. what lovely little bacteria that just run around in your intestines feeding off all of the GOOD things in your body.

we already have 'friendly' bacteria that help us to absorb minerals, vitamins, etc from our food. but these other creepy crawlies take them all away.

i suggest reading 'guess what came to dinner'

that really made up my mind for me.
it takes a fruit to hate people for eating meat.

it takes an even BIGGER fruit to hate people for eating just vegetables.
Originally posted by civicious@Nov 30 2003, 02:42 PM
it takes a fruit to hate people for eating meat.

it takes an even BIGGER fruit to hate people for eating just vegetables.

oh the irony, fruit, vegatables....hah.....
people can argue all they want about why we shouldn't eat meat but its a natural thing for humans to do. we are carnivores. we have those special teeth for chewing meet. our ancestors are hunters. it is definitely a shame the way it is processed today but thats life.

also, soy proteins (from vegetables) lack certain vital nutrients like branch chain amino acids. eating only vegetables is just not natural.
there are many other sources of amino acids. if you look at how vegetarians get their nutrients, it's supplemented. there's a wonderful sauce much like soy sauce that is 100% liquid aminos.

there are plenty of ways for people to get 100% of their daily values of protiens, aminos, vitamins and minerals.

i don't knock people for liking or loving meat. it's just not the way i choose... mainly because beef tastes gross to me. i do admit... i eat sushi... only the tuna though... :p and i like alaskan snow crab so i'm not the kind of veggie who doesn't eat eggs... etc. that's just crazy