::rant:: disrespectful people

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::warning for language::

so after work today, a girl i work with asked me to go to a local car dealership (Glenbrook Hyundai here in Fort Wayne, Indiana) to test drive a car she was looking at (2001 Chevy Impala for those that care). so anyways, we are leaving the parking lot and as im looking back in the parking lot towards my car, there is some fat fuck (no disrespect to our heavy set forum members) of a salesman sitting his huge ass on the hood of my car (2004 Mazda3 S). im damn near ready to jump out the car but we were moving. i asked the salesman that was in the car who it was and he told me (cant remember his name). so we are driving around on the test drive and im sitting in the backseat all pissed off at that fat fucking piece of shit salesman. finally we get back to the dealership. i told the girl to watch out because i was about to get really shitty with that fat fucker. i go inside, describe the fat dood to another salesman and hew pages him and i walk outside towards my car inspecting it for dents and scratches. after a few minutes i walk back inside, see that fat sonofabitch and motioned him over to me because i wanted to chat with him for a minute. here is how the convo went down:

me: excuse me, but do you own that red Mazda parked over there
fat fuck salesman: no i do not, why?
me: well i do and i dont appreciate you sitting on the hood of my car
ffs: i wasnt sitting on it
me: yes you were because i was leaving the parking lot with my friend on a test drive, i see you sitting on the hood of my car. i dont appreciate that at all.
ffs: im sorry
me: im a repeat customer and im here with a friend of mine helping her find a car to buy and told her about this dealership is a good place to go to get a car and here you are sitting on a customers car. thats disrespectful and you just dont do that.
ffs: i said im sorry
me: well dont do that again because its disrespectful and i dont appreciate it ::walks off::

i havent been that pissed off in a long time. but i just got that car and just washed it on sunday. i dont appreciate that especially people i dont know, to lean on my car especially a car salesman at a car dealership. hes lucky he didnt dent or scratch my car or else i woulda been HIGHLY pissed and looking to sue the salesman and the car dealership for damaging it. hes just damn lucky he didnt.

thats it. no cliffs. just read it.
odds are, he thought it was a lot car and not a customers. I would be pissed also, but then again, i have a fuse shorter than a taiwanese m80.
yeah well a car with license plates on it is a DEAD giveaway ;)
not necessarily. it could be a trade in, used car lot, or a salesmans car. sorry, just playing devils advocate.

even so, he still shouldnt sit on the hood of a car like he was. and i was parked up front in the customer parking lot.
as much of a jackass inconsiderate disrespectful move it was
he did apologize immediately
i don't know the tone of his voice when he said it and whether or not he was sincere

but if theres no harm to the car, its over, you said your piece to him, now its time to shrug it off
it wont effect you a year from now, its not worth stressing over

** i do understand why you are pissed, and i would have been too.... all im saying is its not worth dwelling on
I would have ripped shit too. My girl always says let me guess we are going to park in the back of the lot where no one will park next to you, right? I always say I hate door dings. Then I remind her of the time when someone parked about 2 inches away from her door where we had to go through the passengers side door to get in her Civic. That guys car had asshole written on the windshield and cocks drawn on all the windows and the hood in all the dirt on it.
You wanna see disrepectful motherfuckers ? Ride a motorcycle. I'm SO anti-human these days it's nuts. I've never felt levels of anger that I have this year at these ignorant fucking meatbags.
meh, I can see if you owned a Ferrari or something exotic/etc. you can be rip shit mad, but afterall, as E mentioned, he apologized quickly and no harm was done. I guess its just my perception in that I really could care less about my car(s). As long as there are no visual scratches (read: from 10' away) I'm fine.

Now if I built the car myself (FFR Cobra) and paid the paint shop 10k for the paint thats a different story!
i have a rule with the m.

no one leans on it or puts coffee cups on it, or i'll throw you in the river (there's a river by the coffee shop we hang out at and 10 ft from my driveway at the new house).

so, go back and throw the fat ass in a river :)
I have a rule about my jeep.
I never wash it, and if you decide to urinate on it, try to blend out the edges where you're washing the dirt off so it's not so obvious.
One thing that pisses me off to no end is when people slam your fuckin door. I get angry just thinking about it.
werd, if i cant throw my trash in the back for a few days, or set my coffe cup on the roof while I strap the kid into her seat, I don't want to DD that car. I'm all about having a nice car, but not a nice DD.
One thing that pisses me off to no end is when people slam your fuckin door. I get angry just thinking about it.
Actually that's possibly the only thing that bothers me. My gf does that and I hate it. Sounds like she's pissed off whenever she gets in or out.
Its not "just a car" its yourmode of transportation, its the thing people look at before the driver, it shows that you take pride in what you do, it shows your not a lazy slackfuck.

Some punk motherfucker pumpkined my car and destroyed my driverside mirror. Now its the only mirror on the outside of the car so Iam left with the rearvied only.

You know how annoying that is? how direspectfull people are of others persional property.

Here I will go and sit my ass on your car lets see how you feel about it.

Yes I have an 85 chev celebrity, its not the prittyest thing in the world or the fastest or whatnot but its my transportation, As it is I cant afford to fix the mirror I have to keep it running.

Wait till someone fucks with your car then we shal see how you react.