Saddest thing I've been around

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That JDM girl
Well, from yesterday morning at about 10:00 to.. about 10 minutes ago, I was in the hospital with my lifelong best friend. She was pregnant and her duedate wasn't until January, anyways.. She lost the baby and had to have a still birth.. This is definately the saddest thing I've ever been around.. I've never seen someone so upset.
That's horrible to hear. A close friend of mine had the same thing happen, a couple years ago. It really is a heart wrenching loss for a mother. She's in my prayers.

My best to her and yourself, a tragedy like this can be hard on everyone involved.
Sorry to hear. That happened to my sister in law on their second pregnancy when she got an acute Appendicitis.
that sucks, sorry to hear it, i know how it is me and my wife have had 4 miscarriages and she is pregnant again.
it happened for a reason.

Sure its sad as hell, but its better this way.

When its meant to be and work, she'll have a nice healthy child :)
At least she can try again....

some us us had the same misfortunes, and can no longer have kids. Meh, I got old cars to play with...then when I die...they will be given to friends who want them...
she's got plenty of time...I'm 34, my wife is 39...and we're done for. Medical science has came a long way...if there is a will, there will be a way. Still sorry that it's happened, but..I've been there twice already, and I just watched my neighbor go thru it 3 weeks ago. Plus my mom had a miscarriage before me, out of 3 kids, 4 tries, I was the last one....
my sister had 2 miscarriages, and now she has 2 lovely girls.

when things aren't right, the body rejects it. 19 is young as hell. she has 10 more years to try :)
word. A friend of mine just had a miscarriage last week, she's only 21 and its a lot better this way, especially since shes about to graduate college.

Ofcourse its sad, but in the long run its better.
There is always adoption as well. My wife's family is plagued with non fertile people... Her sister had Ovarian Cancer, and adopted two kids from Taiwan, and her brother & his wife had been unable to have kids as well (No Reason found, both healthy), so they just adopted a brother and sister from taiwan as well.

And for those that wonder why overseas... It is more difficult to adopt in the country than it is out of the country. My wife's sister & her husband have a beautiful house, he is a Police Seargent, she was an IT Professional (Now Stay at home mom), but they could not get approved for adoption. My brother in law is an IT Pro for Aetna, and his wife is a manager at Aetna... They could not get approved either.

Its a fucked up world we live in.